True or False: Santa lives in the North Pole and has twelve reindeer? False! Santa doesn’t exist! Santa is a mythical man that spreads Christmas cheer by magically flying around the world giving toys to “good children.” He is fun to talk about, but he is make-believe! It is OK to watch silly shows about Santa, but that is not why we celebrate Christmas.
Before you call me a “Grinch,” or congratulate me for pointing out the obvious, please read on – I need your help. But first, lets all review the true reason for the season. Two thousand years ago God gave mankind the ultimate gift – His only Son, Who rescued us from certain death, by taking our place. There was no greater gift in history. In fact, His gift was so great it overwhelmed the entire world.
A monster called Rome was the first to be overcome by God’s great gift. As Christians were nailed to crosses, burned at stakes and fed to lions, they continued to sing the praises of their loving God and His wonderful gift.
The mighty Romans were dumb-founded as they witnessed Christ’s gift spreading like a wild fire, from heart to heart, until the official religion of the Roman Empire became “Christianity” – the religion of those fed to the lions!
Throughout history the hardest of hearts have been transformed by God’s gift, from Paul and Constantine to a humble bishop named Saint Nicholas. St. Nicholas did not have a work shop in the north pole, nor reindeer, or even a single elf. He had something better – God’s eternal gift and a passion for “regifting!”
So what is my point? Here is it: There is no such thing as Santa Claus – just a generous God and His faithful followers regifting God’s love to the entire world. There is a last minute Christmas gift I need you to add to your list.
Bethany Winston says
Jackson is beautiful. I’m so sorry that this family has had to suffer so much, but I think that it is wonderful that they have sacrificed so much to give their son a chance to live.
Tulip TrueAim says
I agree! Thanks so much for showing your support for this amazing family!
Riopelle Brood says
Thank you for sharing my sister’s story. This year is full of challenges, so extra love,support and prayer is so appreciated!
Tulip TrueAim says
Her family is amazing and an inspiration to me! I am so glad they decided to fight for Jackson.
Noel says
This is my ‘baby boy’s’ baby boy. I am so grateful for so many people to be praying, sharing and giving to help them. Grammy and Grampy are so thankful for our Faithful God covering them in His mercy and grace as they put their lives in His loving hands.
Tulip TrueAim says
Noel, you have an amazing family and you raised them well. I know it is hard on them, but they aren’t just giving everything for their son. They are living examples of Christ; glorifying Him through their suffering. I just wish I could do more. Thanks for sharing your heart!
Evelyn says
Sending Prayers. On my way to her blog.
Tulip TrueAim says
Evelyn, you don’t know how much this means to them. Just the simplest gesture can make a huge difference!