Sometimes my kids just need to refocus. With all the ads and ups shipments coming in the mail around Christmas time, it is easy for them to forget what the holiday is all about. These simple gifts for neighbors and a story really helped me turn their attention to what really matters. We've ... View Post
Beautiful Messes
I love days when the kids are fed, dressed, and put together before the school day begins. Even better are the days where I am fully put together before the day begins as well. But, there are times when bedheads and jammies are my view across the school room table. My kids often beg to stay in their ... View Post
Ad End Hunger with 15 Minute Chicken Dinner Ideas #Summer of Giving
I am a member of the #CollectiveBias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. It's easy to get caught up in the summer hustle. We HAVE to do this, go there, see that. While we are checking off ... View Post
November Family Challenge: Giving Thanks with DIY Thank You Cards
Everyone has had a bad day. One of those, spilled-coffee-in-your-lap, baby's-diaper-leaked-3-times-before-breakfast, car-doesn't-start kind of days can really put you in a foul mood. But what if you were shown a little appreciation that day? Wouldn't it lift your spirits and make life's little ... View Post