As if feminists weren't already completely irrelevant, they are going all out to attack Lego for daring to build a line of Lego's that is more appealing to little girls than the traditional lines have been. In a world where women are objectified in every movie, on every billboard, on every magazine ... View Post
The Most Important Subject You Can Teach Your Children
There is so much to teach our little ones. First, we teach them to walk, talk, go potty in the toilet, get dressed, brush their teeth and then when we start our "formal teaching" we focus on kindergarten preparatory subjects, like shapes, counting, and ABC's. These subjects take the bulk of my ... View Post
Lesson in Excellence 2: Strength of a Child
As parents, it is very easy to imagine that our children are completely helpless. Babies enter the world in a state of total dependence. They rely on us for love, food, protection, baths, diaper changes, medicine and much more. Yet, they are soon capable of exceptionalism beyond our wildest ... View Post
3 Ways to Get Your Children to Like Vegetables
I do not make my kids eat vegetables. I make them like vegetables, and then they eat them on their own. Now don't get me wrong, I would definitely force my kids to eat their veggies if they flat out refused, but because I forced them to like vegetables I've never had to cross that ... View Post