When I first heard about the new “girly Lego’s,” I thought, “Great, it is about time.” Lego’s are one of my favorite toys for kids. They encourage kids to build and create. The problem was, in the past girls have been less interested in Lego’s because all the themes were more appealing to boys – dragons, castles, soldiers, pirates, and spaceships. Girls often overlooked Lego’s in favor of more “girly” toys, like Barbies, and in doing so missed out on the benefits of creating and building that Lego’s encourage.
Photo Credit: Amazon.com
I don’t think feminist have a problem with girls being girly, the problem lies in societies unrealistic expectations of women’s appearance. A sexed up pre teen lego perpetuates the cycle of eating disposers and plastic surgery. I agree the lego looks trampy, they could’ve dressed her more appropriately. I looked up this line and found this groups complaints to be somewhat unjustified, because while the sets include the cliche bake shop and beauty parlor, they also include a vet office and some sort of invention pack.
Yes, that is my whole point. There are many very serious issues in the world and this is what this feminist group decides to complain about. I mean really. There is sex trafficking, rampant pornography, and a million other far more serious atrocities. So, this group really makes feminists look ridiculous crying about “girly Lego’s.” I am usually the first one to condemn sex-up toys for children. And, I admit the Lego’s could be dressed a little bit more conservatively, but really if they want to fuss about toys, I can think of hundred others that are far more sexed-up. So, I do think the complaints are unjustified and make the feminist movement appear juvenile and irrelevant. Thank you for commenting. Ultimately, I think we agree.
But the “sexed up” ..everything.. is a result of feminism. Wasn’t it feminists who said women should be free to have sex without consequence (birth control and abortion)? Without being tethered to a man (unmarried)? They even promoted all the free-love stuff and were a HUGE factor in the previously-shunned bikini becoming a mainstay.
When you have well-known feminists like Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters stating that Beyonce’s hoochie dancing is “art,” don’t talk to me about how they DON’T want girls living in a sexed up world. Women are free to be hoochies, remember?
Please. Feminists have never been about preventing the sexing up of women. They don’t want MEN to sex up women, but they can do it to each other. That’s fine.
Um… Yeah. You hit the nail on the head. Women should be free to be as sexual as they choose, just the way that men are allowed to, without being called “hoochie” and “trampy”, and without it being done only on a man’s terms. Men should not be “sexing up” women, the only one who should be “sexing up” women? Are women who choose that for themselves. That’s the whole damn point: women are people and should be allowed to make their own choices.
Beyonce dances “hoochie” because SHE is in charge of herself, SHE is in control over her own body and her own sexuality, and SHE is allowed to choose that if she wants. She is making a statement about the way women are confined and the way “sexing up”, as you call it–or rather, a woman’s sexual choices–are taken away from her by the demands of patriarchy.
People like you who name-call and tear other women down because of what they choose to do with their own bodies and lives are the reason feminism is still very, very relevant.
Also, I think the bulk of the feminists complaint about the new Lego line is that it portrays girls in traditionally female roles – not that the Lego’s are over sex-up. That is what I take objection to. What is wrong with traditionally female roles?
I think the concern is, they dont want women to be limited to these roles, not that they is anything wrong with being a hair stylist, but they want young girls to aspire to be rocket scientists.
Well, I think it goes a step further than just wanting to encourage non-traditional roles for women. After all, Lego is not refusing to sell the traditional line Lego’s to girls. So if parents and their daughters want to purchase rocket ships they already have that option. This is about limiting options. Feminists are afraid that, if given a choice, girls will choose the toys that represent their traditional roles. In other words, if the rocket ship is beside the kitchen set, the girls will choose the kitchen set. It is not the toy manufacturers that create the market, it is the customer. In this case, the customers are little girls and Lego is manufacturing a line to meet their desires, not the other way around. If they felt girls were buying their Lego spaceships, they would not have created a separate line just for girls. For the few girls that do prefer rocket ships they can just purchase Lego’s traditional line. But, I think we all know which line most girls will gravitate toward and that is precisely why the hardcore feminists are so set on destroying those “girly Lego’s.”
Excellent response! Bingo!
I am a feminist. Honestly, I would probably buy these girly legos if i still played with legos. I love pink and I’m super girly! Feminists have nothing wrong with girly stuff. True feminists are the first people to tell you that girls should be allowed to choose to be GIRLY, if that is what they want. The point of feminism is that women are people and deserve the same rights to choice and freedom as anyone else.
The frustrating thing about making girly legos is the assumption that girls need legos to be pink in order to be interested in them in the first place. It’s the assumption that in order to market to girls, we have to make the legos pink and fit an arbitrary standard of “girlhood”. It’s the fact that toy markets are very intentionally set up to keep “girl’s” and “boy’s” toys very, very separate in look and style. They do this so that to keep the market segregated and minimize competition. It doesn’t have to be done by gender, but they chose to do it that way because sexism. And so in effect, because of the way capitalism works, over time toys/children’s entertainment is pushed more and more into gendered boxes, which has a real effect on how we force gender stereotypes on kids. Because this is the way toys are marketed, we are more likely to confine kids to a narrow view of what “girls” and “boys” are supposed to be like and act like as parents who don’t know better keep buying these toys.
If you look at toys from 50 years ago, things were nowhere near as strictly gendered as they are today. And the only reason for that is because of an intentionally strict system of gender-based marketing strategy that effectively only further solidifies a narrow view of gender roles into our collective consciousness.
I don’t care if a little girl wants to buy pink legos: what I do care about is the fact that her parents may only buy her legos BECAUSE they are pink now. What I care about is the way marketing schemes are slowly manipulating and enforcing a strict and arbitrary gender code on future generations.
When I was a kid, my brother and I played for hours with Lego’s. It was one of our favorite things to do. So this year I took my daughter to the store to get some. My daughter’s favorite colors are purple and pink so she automatically picked up the more girly Lego’s. The Lego box we bought isn’t trampy at all. It has a cute fully dressed girl with a white horse and pieces to build a car, stable, house and wagon. I have seen the Lego’s you guys are talking about. They kinda remind me of the “Bratz” line of dols.
When a company has a good product they will continue to find new ways to market it. It’s about making more money. If Lego’s could find a way to market to old people in nursing homes and it be successful, they’d do it!
Funny, I think my daughter has the same Lego set – car, house, wagon. She loves her pink Lego’s and although I am not a huge fan of the Bratz dolls, I do think my daughters will like the new Lego line, if Lego isn’t pressured to discontinue the whole line. Thank you for your comment.
Why do you think that little girls are drawn to girly toys and activities? Because God made them that way! Genesis 1:27 says, “God created man in His own image… He created them male and female.” Men and women are DIFFERENT. God values us equally, yes, but he created us differently on purpose. He does not make mistakes! Feminists are doing women a great disservice by downplaying and taking away the things that make women unique. They have created role reversals that have only resulted in more broken families, questionable sexuality, unstable homes, and unhealthy dynamics in many aspects of society. Women are meant to be celebrated and cherished as WOMEN (and little girls as little GIRLS). A woman’s strength comes from fulfilling her God-given roles with beauty and dignity, not through striving to be a man’s equal. I’m proud to be a girl! So, go Legos, and down with feminism. 🙂
Questionable sexuality? Unstable homes? Unhealthy dynamics? Seriously? It’s almost funny that people are blaming society’s problems on feminism. Not all of us want to be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen, waiting to obey her husband. Trust me, homes were just as unstable in the past. Women who had kids and no way to make a living did not have the option to leave her abusive, overbearing husband. And what do you mean “questionable” sexuality? The only thing I see as questionable is people like you implying that there is something wrong with homosexuality and the trans gender community. The bible is an unreliable source for humanitarian arguments. White supremacists used to quote the bible against equality for African Americans, you know.
No, white supremacists didn’t quote the bible. They twisted it to suit their motives. Many people do that. Let’s be logical. You’ve never had someone take your words out of context and use them for their own purpose? Just because someone twists your words, doesn’t mean your words weren’t true when you spoke them. Just because someone twist’s God’s words doesn’t mean they weren’t true when he spoke them.
I think I would have to agree with Amy on this one. Feminist’s may mean well, but they have done more harm than good.
Feminists demanded “sexual liberation” and promised it would eliminate the “double standard.” And it did, leaving women free and vulnerable to be exploited and objectified by men.
Feminists demanded “no fault divorce” and promised to it would free women from abusive relationships. Instead, it allowed men the freedom to abandon their wives and children, again leaving women completely vulnerable.
Feminists demanded “reproductive rights” and promised it would put women on an equal playing field with men. And this is the biggest lie of all. Instead, it has directly led to female genocide. Millions of baby girls are aborted every year because families want boys and they now have the option to kill of their girls until they get a boy (not that murdering baby boys is any less appalling).
Feminism is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The feminist movement was started by men – men that did not value a woman’s traditional role in society. Men that wanted women free – free to exploit sexually and economically. If we had a real “feminist movement” it would value feminine traits, not just force women who act like men. It would also put more of its efforts into healing male-female relationships, not tearing them apart. Because the truth is, women need men, just as much as men need women. Thanks for the responses. You both make interesting points.
Do you seriously think women weren’t objectified and exploited by men before feminism came along? Women were essentially treated as property for hundreds of years before the suffragettes came along. Rape was only seen as a crime insomuch as it was tainting another man’s property. Feminism was not started by men–men already had all the power they wanted over women!
I think you need to read up on some actual feminist ideas because you will quickly find that it is not about “acting like men” at all. It’s about the freedom to be “girly” or “manly” or neither. It’s about freedom.
Feminism simply means that a person believes that men and women should have equal opportunities. I don’t know how you could disagree with that idea.
To say that feminists are completely irrelevant is ignorant when women who *want* to have opportunities are still held below men. If some women don’t want those opportunities, that’s fine and well, it’s their choice, but the point of believing that women should have those choices is the underlying premise for feminism.
I really don’t think women are “held below men.” In fact, in many regards women are given preferential treatment. In more non-traditional roles, less qualified women are often given preference over more qualified males simply to meet quotas. Also, while feminist love to point out the fact that they make less on average, they ignore the data that shows fewer and fewer men are graduating school, male-on-male violence far exceeds male-on-female violence, the vast majority of inmates are male, the vast majority of the homeless are males, almost every “gender” quota favors females, in divorce women are more likely to gain full custody of their children and the list goes on and on. If we focused on these numbers it would be just as easy for men to make the case that society favors women.
I totally agree. Feminists have shamed women into feeling that a woman’s traditional role is some how inferior to a man’s. So that if a woman doesn’t look, act, and work like a man she is looked down upon by her so called “feminist sisters.” Well, enough is enough! Thanks for saying it like it is, Amy!
I’m so excited for girly Legos. I’ve been working with our Collection Development specialist to find some for our Lego Club. The girls all flock to the one pink set I’ve got. I’d love to have more girls coming each month!
Me too! I love them. Your Lego Club sounds interesting. What is that?
Such an interesting topic. New follower in your blog, come and follow back anytime when you can. Have a great weekend!
I like your blog, following back!
PS. I hope you would consider removing word verification in your blog, your readers will appreciate it.
Thank you for the suggestion. I will look into it.
If feminists have done more harm than good, then why bother educating your daughters? Why bother learning about our government, and why bother even voting? Oh yeah, that’s the man’s job. Why stop there? If they have done more harm than good, then let’s go back to the way things were before. Let’s quit our jobs, get married, and start popping out kids. Let’s give up our inherited possessions to our husbands and let’s all become housewives. Women’s rights and came from feminism and we should not forget that.
When I said more harm than good, I didn’t mean that feminism hasn’t done any good, just that the results have been more negative than positive. And the funny thing is, I did quit my job, I did get married, and I am popping out kids. So all in all, I really would have no problem going back to the way things were. I personally feel that there is no higher calling for a person, man or woman, than to raise their children. Ideally, both parents would work from home, but often one must seek work outside the home. In this case, I think men are better suited for that work, and women are better suited for the house work. Of course, I do realize that many families cannot afford to live off a single income. So sometimes a woman must work outside of the home. But, I don’t know very many women that enjoy being away from their children. Most women work outside of the home out of necessity – not choice.
You give feminism too much credit. Granted, it has helped open doors for women, however, it is more about offering and providing women with more “choice” and “equality”. It wasn’t necessarily “feminism” as we see it today being responsible for women’s rights. It was strong women pushing for equality for women. There is a key difference here. Just because a woman wants freedom and the ability to choose aspects of her life (which, in some cases, might be along the lines of a more traditional male role), doesn’t mean she’s a feminist. I think feminist in these times has a somewhat negative connotation mainly because of issues like the girly Legos. I also think that those women who paved the way for women’s rights would probably be disappointed in the more radical views that our “modern day feminists” have spun their efforts into.
One additional thought….
I am a previous working woman who chose to be a stay-at-home mom. I appreciate the efforts of all those women who made equality in the workplace (and elsewhere) a reality. I believe that anyone who educates themself and works hard should be allowed the same opportunities, regardless of gender. I have certainly benefited from those women and I support efforts to give women the same freedom of choice as their male counterparts. I would also stand up for any woman that I though was being treated unfairly. However, I do not consider myself a “feminist”. There has been a divergence of those who support traditional women’s rights and those who have twisted it into some idea that differentiating women from men is wrong.
I agree. Feminism has become a dirty word. I find it very offensive that feminists claim to speak for women, as if all women think the same thing and as if we are so incapable of speaking for ourselves that we need designated “spokesmen.” So I am not a feminist. I am a mom! I don’t care about so called “women’s issues.” I care about the individual issues affecting my individual children, whether it is my daughters or my son. Thank you for commenting!
Check out workingmom.com. It is a site to help moms who work outside the home and gives them support and encouragement because God does call some women to do just that. I think what God wants is for all of us to put 100% into whatever he has called us to whether it is working outside the home or staying at home.
oh my gosh! my girls made all the gender neutral legos into princess legos anyway. just like all the sticks in the yard were magic wands…for my boys they were weapons.
Yes, my children are the same way. Thanks for commenting!
Hi! I followed your link on Momto8’s blog. Love your post! While I was reading it my 3-year old daughter toddled out of bed and climbed on my lap. She saw the Lego’s and pointed excitedly, “I want that!” I love my girly-girls too! 🙂 I whole heartedly agree with your statement: “That is because I am a true feminist – one that values the feminine traits just as much as the masculine.” Thank goodness we are different!!
Yes, it is the differences that make us important to each other. Thanks for your support. Girls are great aren’t they?
I am not quite sure where to begin on this one. I guess I should start by saying that I am pretty shocked by some of the things you said in your post and comments. You began your post in a pretty hostile way with the Feminists being completely irrelevant comment. You then went on in the same paragraph to talk about all of these issues, like women being objectified, the sexualization of little girls, the marketing of inappropriate clothing and toys, etc… which are all important Feminist issues and why Feminism is so completely not irrelevant, and made it sound as if these issues were somehow separate from and had nothing to do with why people are upset about the “girly Legos,” to begin with.
Legos are awesome, they do encourage kids to create and build things, tapping in to those vast imaginations, but these new Legos are dumb. Not only are they sending a terrible message to kids about gender roles, ( Does she really need to be in an appallingly short skirt carrying around a tray of cupcakes,) but they are completely unimaginative. One of the things that make Legos so great is that the possibilities for creating are seemingly endless, but what do these new Legos have to offer in the way of creativity? Nothing. They are all practically set up for you, and are all the same type of thing, houses with little makeup tables, cafes, kitchens, trinkets and frills; I mean, come on! Is this not sending the message that girls aren’t as clever, that all they care about, or should care about are pretty “things”? By all means, buy your kids Legos, but buy them a big box full of blocks and let them build whatever they want. I don’t care if they’re pink or blue or sparkly or not, just don’t pigeonhole them into some awful stereotype that tries to dictate what they should be like.
And as for the comments section… oh my god. First, there isn’t anything wrong with traditionally female roles, except that those roles are not just limited to females any more. There are plenty of men who stay at home with the kids, plenty of men who bake cupcakes, are nurses, and dancers, and aspire to be frilly and sweet. On the flip side, there are plenty of women who are builders, and doctors, and engineers, and bankers, and pirates, and plenty of women who don’t want to be homemakers or have children or depend on a husband to provide for them or think for them. The point is that we can choose to do whatever we want. We can choose to be parents and choose to stay at home or work or both, whether we are men or women. So, while you may be happy if your girls grow up, choose to get married and stay at home raising children instead of any other number of things they could do, you should also be happy that they aren’t limited in their possibilities, that they can do anything, be anyone. I hope you will afford your son the same kind of acceptance should he grow up and choose to be a stay-at-home dad.
We should be teaching our children to be themselves, to think for themselves, to be creative and kind, to build communities, to be strong, to be independent, to follow their dreams, to follow their hearts.
I have a few other things I would like to say about some of the comments that you made regarding Feminism, ie.. the “sexual liberation,” “no fault divorce,” and “reproductive rights” stuff, but I need to go to bed, so it will have to wait.
So, until tomorrow.
Thank you so much for your comment. It is always good to hear the other side, but I think you have misunderstood my point. This is not about a toy company forcing girls to play with a particular toy line, this is about feminists forcing children NOT to play with a particular toy line. If you want your daughter to play with fire trucks and policemen, then you have the option to buy the traditional toy line. But if my daughter wants to play with the girly-line, feminists are doing everything they can to make sure she doesn’t even have that option! They want the whole line eliminated. As far as those boys you talk about who “bake cupcakes, are nurses, and dancers, and aspire to be frilly and sweet,” well they won’t have that option either because, again, these particular feminists are attempting to eliminate the whole line. Really it is the feminists who are limiting options and trying to control what children play with. So, if you believe that children should be able to play with what they prefer, I don’t understand why you are in favor of eliminating one of those options. I look forward to hearing your response. Thanks again for sharing.
I came to your blog to read your post about Newborn Sleep. I enjoyed that post. I stumbled across this post through the Newborn Sleep post. I’m glad I did because now I know that this is not a blog worth following. Your words and comments are so offensive to women and girls alike. The problem with toys like these new “girl Legos” is that they put children into boxes. When I walk down the toy aisle at any store, I become so frustrated by what I see. Play stoves, pretend vacuums, play shopping carts, kitchen sets, dolls, and more – all in bright pink boxes with pictures of little girls. I have a 2 year old daughter who is just learning about the world. Walking through the toy aisle, she gets the immediate message, based on product packaging, that some things are “just for girls” and some things are “just for boys”. A little boy walking through that same aisle will get the same message. When they have adults, like you, around them perpetuating these stereotypically roles, they will grow up believing that this is the way it should be. Men can be construction workers and engineers but not do laundry or bake. Women can take care of children and cook but not be firefighters or hold positions of power. It’s ridiculous, and the Lego company – with help from genderists like yourself – are creating these polarized boxes that our children are being forced into. Toys like these and mentalities like yours are the reason that women still make $0.70 to the $1 that men do. Mentalities like yours are the reason that we live in a patriarchal society and not one of equality.
My daughter will grow up with dolls and trucks, blocks and baking, and will be both nurturing and strong. And it is my hope that her children won’t have to choose between “girl” and “boy” toys, but will be able to choose whatever toys they’re interested in, regardless of the color.
Thank you for your response. Like I have said before, it is always good to hear the other side. However, I think it is sad that you are unable to follow a blog simply because one of the view points differs from your own. I have always enjoyed hearing both sides of an issue. I feel it gives me a better overall perspective. That said, I can respect the fact that not everyone is open-minded and some people find it intolerable that others have different viewpoints.
I am quite open-minded. I am open-minded to the different needs of children. That is why I find it difficult to see toys like these, which are not open-minded to the needs of children. The same would be said for (which I mentioned in my first comment) all the toys that only come in pink boxes and only have pictures of girls. Do you not agree that packaging like that puts children into boxes? I just don’t understand why it is necessary to make the legos in “girly” colors but only have girl figures to play with. Why can’t they throw in a few boy figures who are also baking or doing whatever else the “girl” legos are doing? I just think think that these legos can ultimately send the wrong message. The regular legos are not in “boy” colors – they are in gender neutral colors. These new legos are only in “girl” colors. That’s very limiting. It would be the same if I bought a box of crayons and said to my daughter, “Here, you can draw with the pink & purple crayons. You’ll like those better because you’re a girl”. In fact, there aren’t any real “boy” colors. All those colors – red, blue, black, orange, yellow, etc. – are colors that men and women alike where and use. But pink and purple? Somehow that translates into colors that are only meant for girls. I will never buy these legos for my daughter. Instead, I will allow her to play with blocks that have a variety of colors. If she chooses to pull out all the “girly” colors and only play with those, that’s fine. But it will be her choice, not mine.
Thank you for choosing to continue the conversation. I can see that you are a good mother and you really care about your children. At least we have this in common – we both want the best for our kids. I can respect your decision not to buy the new Lego line if you feel that it negatively affects your children. But, I do have a slightly different take on the pink Lego’s.
My girls have always had a variety of toys at their disposal. They have the option to play with dinosaurs, trucks, toy soldiers and a whole host of other traditionally “boy” toys. Yet, their favorites have always been Barbies and baby dolls. I didn’t choose these toys for them – they did. We don’t watch television, just an occasional movie, so I know Barbies and baby dolls weren’t marketed to them. They just prefer them to the other toys. Since I am not a big fan of Barbie, I saw the new “girly” Lego’s and thought, “Great. Maybe my girls will find a new favorite in these pink Lego’s.” I was happy to have another option.
Also, I don’t feel that companies are maliciously forcing traditional toys on girls. I feel that they are meeting market demands. Companies want to make money and if girls didn’t want “girly” toys, at least one manufacturer would capitalize on this untapped market. Companies are intentionally marketing toys to specific genders to capture market shares, not create the markets.
Now, as far as these feminists go, I do think they have become irrelevant. For one, there are hundreds of very serious issues facing girls today. So, I feel their efforts to ban pink Lego’s seems a little silly. Also, I don’t appreciate them trying to make parental decisions for me. I don’t need them to tell me what is good for my girls. I don’t appreciate them trying to ban a toy line that my daughters love. I find it ironic that the feminists are pressuring Lego is change or eliminate a toy line in the name of “giving girls more choices.” I mean, imagine if a toy company created a toy line that featured girls exclusively as firemen, cops, presidents, and whatever other non-traditional roles. Then imagine that a group of women set out to ban the whole line, declaring that women should not be portrayed in non-traditional roles. Wouldn’t you be outraged? Wouldn’t you want to make that choice for yourself and your children? These feminists are treating women very condescendingly. They act as if regular moms are not capable of making their own decisions. Finally, there are literally thousands of toy lines. So, why does it matter if a few of them cater to girls that prefer the more traditional roles? I feel that feminists, in an attempt to feel “equal,” are intentionally discouraging girls from pursuing traditional roles. As a SAHM, I definitely feel disenfranchised by the feminist movement.
At any rate, I can understand where you are coming from. While my blog posts do reflect my own opinions, this is an open forum. I encourage everyone to share their opinions because it helps us see all sides of an issue. Thanks for you comments.
My reply is in response to this:
Janine LaTulippe: Feminism has become a dirty word. I find it very offensive that feminists claim to speak for women, as if all women think the same thing and as if we are so incapable of speaking for ourselves that we need designated “spokesmen.” So I am not a feminist. I am a mom! I don’t care about so called “women’s issues.”
I am a feminist, my boyfriend is a feminist and our sons and daughters will probably be feminists. And I feel that you may have been mislead. One good way that it was explained to me (before I officially began calling myself a feminist) was this: “If you want equal rights for all genders, if you want the same amount of opportunity for all genders, and if you want to prevent social stigmas and societal judgement from limiting the potential of any gender, then you’re a feminist.” I don’t know what definitions you’ve come across but this is the one I believe in and agree with.
If we follow this definition, a stay at home mom would be able to raise her children without being penalized by anyone (including these “feminists” you may have encountered). If a “feminist” ever tells you you’re ruining the women’s rights movement by raising your children, they HAVE NO IDEA what feminism is actually about. It’s true, that it has a negative connotation and it’s because it’s misrepresented by both men and women who haven’t fully understood it or haven’t fully researched it.
I’m very happy to be a feminist and I think once it’s accurately represented in the world, it will flourish. I don’t try to speak for all women, and I never would. It’s foolish to assume you know what another woman wants….There’s lots of feminists that complain about Middle Eastern women wearing scarves and being (or at least seeming) oppressed and there’s a lot of feminists that complain about Western women being scantily clad and being (or at least seeming) objectified. The central question in both these cases isn’t “Why is she dressed like that!?” It’s actually “Is that how she wants to be dressed?”
By the same token, If a stay at home dad wants to spend time with his children, he should never have to suffer judgement by his peers. At it’s bare minimum feminism is about choice…for both men, women, and other genders. I hope that clears up any confusion. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
If all feminists lived by your definition, I probably would have no problem being called a feminist. But of course, feminism has become a dirty word because of the actions of mainstream feminists. Like I said in previous comments, I think on the whole “mainstream feminists” have done more harm to women than good.
“Feminists demanded “sexual liberation” and promised it would eliminate the “double standard.” And it did, leaving women free and vulnerable to be exploited and objectified by men.
Feminists demanded “no fault divorce” and promised to it would free women from abusive relationships. Instead, it allowed men the freedom to abandon their wives and children, again leaving women completely vulnerable.
Feminists demanded “reproductive rights” and promised it would put women on an equal playing field with men. And this is the biggest lie of all. Instead, it has directly led to female genocide. Millions of baby girls are aborted every year because families want boys and they now have the option to kill of their girls until they get a boy (not that murdering baby boys is any less appalling).” (This was a quote from my previous comment)
That is why I say, “I am not a feminist – I am a Mom!” Motherhood is far less political, yet what mother wants anything but the best for her children, whether they are daughters or sons. So while mothers are feminists in the truest sense, motherhood is broad enough to cover all women, unlike the highly political “feminist” movement.
Thank you so much for your comment. At the end of the day, all mothers just want the best for their children, even if we have different ideas about how to get there. So, we will always have that in common.
Also, I’m not sure if this was addressed already but the reason SPARK was upset about the toys was because they are against the hypersexualization of girls/women. They, “objected to the girls-only Legos for its “sexualization” of girls and assumption that girls don’t play with regular Legos.”
Here’s more info: http://www.sparksummit.com/about-us/
Despite being a feminist…I really disagree with their response. I think it’s a bit silly to worry about Legos when there are tons of other toys/cartoons etc. that propagate a ridiculous ideal for little girls (tall, thin, giant breasts etc.) They should have saved their efforts for something more harmful…like Bratz dolls….Who the hell made those things????
Yes, that was my whole point. Of all the atrocities in the world, throwing a fit over pink legos makes feminists look silly. And yes, I can’t stand the Brazt dolls. I am not sure that they should be banned, but I won’t purchase them for my daughter.
Janine, thank you for drawing my attention to this post when you commented on my “Thinking Twice About Disney Movies” article. You were right, I did like yours, and I like your blog. I am now following you on all fronts 🙂 I had heard of the new girly line of legos but had not seen a picture of them. It did not surprise me that feminists had their panties all in a wad over the new line considering they always find something to be angry about. You cannot deny that there is an inherent scientific difference between men and women physically and emotionally, yet feminists continue to push their agenda wherever they can to keep girls from becoming as you put it “feminine.” It does way more harm than good and only serves to make boys and girls confused about who God made them to be. It is one of the reasons we as parents must be so intentional in this day and age to shield our children from unnecessary and conflicting messages coming in from our culture that only tries to muddy what we are trying to instill in them from the Word of God. Thanks again for bringing me to your blog – I look forward to reading more!
Lindsey @ http://www.roadto31.blogspot.com
Hi Lindsey. I totally agree. It is very important at this stage in their life to raise them up in the Word and showing them by example how God wants them to be. If I don’t want my girls acting like those girls in the movies then why would I let them watch? Thanks so much for stopping by!
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I hate to remove comments, but this one was really bad. I love opposite view points, but I can’t tolerate someone making an anonymous post advocating the castration and death of little boys.
It took me a while to decide if I would comment or not, but I have decided to.
As far as the Lego goes – I do think that it’s a marketing technique which implies that girls weren’t playing with regular Lego and that they need to have their own special girls Lego. That said, I do Know that many children would love a tub of pink Lego and that parents can choose what toys to give to their children. I think that you and I are in agreement that there are bigger issues in the world.
It was your suggestion that feminists weren’t relevant and the fact that they had done more harm than good which I feel I must wholeheartedly disagree with.
I am glad that you are happy being a stay at home mother, having lots of children and embracing all things which you consider to be feminine. I really mean that I’m not being sarcastic.
I too love being a mother. I dress my daughter in pink and purple often, and she wears dresses and bows in her hair a lot as well. I dress in pretty clothes and wear make up and love pink things too. I chose to get married, I chose to take my husband’s name and we chose to have children.
Sorry, I had to start a new comment.
My point is that perhaps I may not ‘Look’ like a feminist, but all the things I have hosed to do have been that, my choice. I am happy with my decisions as you appear to be with yours.
My concern with your statements that feminists have done more harm than good and that they’re irrelevant is that you are belittling very important issues which you yourself have raised. A feminist is not someone who hates pink or little girls, but someone who strives for justice, equality and choice.
Perhaps you would like to read this post which I wrote for International Women’s Day this year.
Sorry, I’m having trouble getting the computer to play nicely.
In a world where Girl children repeatedly face worse health, education and well being outcomes than their male peers, to suggest that feminists are irrelevant is short sighted. To imply that feminists have done more harm than good is offensive to all the men and women who spend their lives working to make the world a better palace for girls and women and indeed the whole community.
I can’t seem to link to my IWD posts, but you can see them on my blog. Sorry, I don’t know why it won’t let me paste the link in.
I appreciate the mature and engaged discussion that you have had with your commenters so far, it is pleasing to see.
I am sorry it has taken so long for me to reply. If “a feminist is someone who strives for justice, equality and choice,” then I really would have no problem being called a feminist. However, these are very general terms and what they mean to me is completely different than what they appear to represent for the feminist movement. For example, I believe the single greatest injustice that could ever be committed is the willful murder of a baby at the hands of his own mother, but the “movement” calls this a woman’s fundamental “right.”
Also, feminist claim to fight for “equality” yet I never see them fighting for equality for men.” In fact, in many regards women are already given preferential treatment. In more non-traditional roles, less qualified women are often given preference over more qualified males simply to meet quotas. Also, while feminist love to point out the fact that they make less on average, they ignore the data that shows fewer and fewer men are graduating school, male-on-male violence far exceeds male-on-female violence, the vast majority of inmates are male, the vast majority of the homeless are males, almost every “gender” quota favors females, in divorce women are more likely to gain full custody of their children and the list goes on and on. If we focused on these numbers it would be just as easy for men to make the case that society favors women.
Finally, regarding “choice” that is another “cliche” word that has infinite meanings and implications. We all agree that some choices are wrong and some are even reprehensible. Rape, murder, abortion and drug abuse are all the result reprehensible choices – choices that society must do everything to prevent. I believe that society should do everything it can to discourage these choices. Also, when I chose to get married and have children I understood that I was choosing to put my husband and children’s needs ahead of my own. My life was no longer just about “ME” and what I want. I would work if my family needed the money, but it is no longer about chasing my own dreams, it is about meeting the needs of the individuals my family. And amazingly enough, I have found the greatest joy placing the needs of my family ahead of myself!
Of course, I am not saying that women that choose to work are being selfish, but their reason for working should be to serve their family – not themselves. And if their work comes into conflict with their families’ needs, they should be willing to give it up.
Anyway, thank you so much for responding. I really appreciate your comments and encouragement. At the end of the day we all want the same thing – TO BE THE BEST MOMS WE CAN BE! We just have different ideas about how to get there. Thanks again.