Fall is a wonderful time for nature study. The leaves are changing colors, crops are ready to be harvested, and animals are getting ready for the winter. Take a few minutes and enjoy some fun fall nature study activities with your kids.
Fun Fall Nature Study Activities
1. Collect Leaves
Head outside with your children and collect falling leaves. Look for all of the different colors of leaves. Compare the different shapes and sizes. See if you and your children can find out which leaf belongs to which tree.
Once you’ve collected a variety of leaves, bring the leaves inside to decorate the windows for fall.
Pick up some clear contact paper and carefully place the leaves on the sticky side of the paper. When you’re finished, hang the paper on the windows.
You’ll have beautifully decorated windows for the fall.
2. Pick Apples
Apple season is here! The apples are finally ripe and are ready to drop. If you don’t have an apple tree nearby, head out to a local farm to go apple picking. Kids adore picking fruit to eat right off the tree.
Once you’re home, chop some apples in half to show the children the apple seeds inside the fruit. Remember to explain the fruits are the product of a plant and carry seeds inside them.
Be sure to make caramel apples, apple muffins, and apple pies to finish off your adventure.
3. Collect Pine Cones
Collecting pine cones is another fabulous and fun fall nature activity. Head to a local park with plenty of evergreen trees and see just how many pine cones you can find.
Take a bunch of pine cones home.
Point out to the children how the pine cones are closed to protect their seeds and preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil or wax paper and place the pine cones on the sheet before popping them in the oven for 30 minutes.
Show the children how the heat opened up the pine cones to release the seeds.
Finish off the pine cone activity by tying a string to the top of the pine cone and spreading peanut butter all over it. Roll the pine cone in bird seed and you have a bird feeder to hang in the yard.
4. Bird Watching
Fall is the time of year when many birds are gathering into flocks and preparing to head south. It’s a splendid time to start bird watching.
Hang the pine cone bird feeders you made near the windows and see how many birds come by to enjoy the feast from the warm of your house. It’s a fabulous way to enjoy nature study from inside a warm house.
Older children can have fun trying to identify the various types of birds they see in the yard using some easy kids books.
5. Nature hike
Take your kids out on nature hikes. As you’re hiking be sure to point out signs of fall you’ve studied so far. Point out the ripe berries, falling leaves, and flocks of birds gathering before heading south.
Collect pine cones, leaves, and stones. When you get home you can enjoy one of these nature science activities with your kids.
Fall is a delightful time for outdoor activities. You and your kids can explore nature together before heading inside to enjoy more activities in the warmth of the house.
What is your favorite fall activity to enjoy with your children?
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