Spelling words, especially sight words, are the basis of language, and are important to memorize. Still, whether you’re in preschool trying to learn the word “the” or a high school student working through the Barron’s 333 High Frequency words, spelling can be time consuming and tricky. Here are the top 10 ways to practice spelling words; aimed at elementary school, but options can be adapted for upper grades!
1. Make words out of play dough.
Play dough provides a fun sensory experience, and a chance to really think about each letter before sculpting it!
2. Let them type
In our technology-driven world, typing is an important skill to have, and younger kids love to be part of it! Learn spelling words by typing them on the computer. The more often, the better; and the higher likelihood that they will stick!
3. Use magnetic trays
A popular budget-friendly trend includes using Dollar Store magnetic trays with magnetic alphabet letters. (or, you can hot glue magnets to ordinary letters) Jenae at I Can Teach My Child offers a great build-a-word magnetic tray tutorial!
4. LEGOs
LEGOs are a staple in nearly every American household. Use them to craft out spelling words!
5. Sing it!
You learned the alphabet to Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star, why not memorize sight words by song? This works especially well if you are switching up the lyrics to a well known song.
6. Get up and move!
Whether it be jumping jacks, hula hooping, bouncing a ball, jumping up and down, or running across the room – getting up and moving to different spelling words can help younger kids still be active in learning while releasing some energy!
7. Cheerios, beads, and other small objects
Spell different words with small objects, like Cheerios or beads. Creating letters provides a sensory experience on memorizing the different letter shapes.
8. Rainbow words
Grab a pack of crayons and write spelling words multiple times in different colors!
9. Shaving cream
Shaving cream is a favorite among early elementary teachers and parents alike – since it is relatively inexpensive, and has a soft, foam-y texture. Grab a bin, dump shaving cream inside, and let kids form letters with it!
10. Cut up magazines
Grab some old magazines (sometimes your local public library might let have old copies for free) and cut out individual letters, and paste them into your spelling words!
Samantha, your creative spelling practice ideas are fantastic! Engaging activities like play dough sculpting, magnetic trays, LEGO crafting, and singing make learning fun and effective. Your insights provide a wealth of options to make spelling an enjoyable journey for students. 👏🔠