An old friend of mine got into drugs. Actually, he’d been doing drugs forever. I was really supportive because, who am I to judge? He called himself a stoner, and I was SO impressed that he was being true to himself.
There were a few close calls. One time he was strung out for a week solid. He started hallucinating and seeing aliens and star people. I was tempted to question his lifestyle, but his bloodshot eyes looked deep into mine and he said, “Look at me. You think I would chose this lifestyle? This is how God made me!” What a great point. No one would choose to live like that, so it must be how God made him.
A month later he lost his job because his boss was bigoted against stoners. I can never understand hate like that. My stoner friend said Jesus wants us to love and accept everyone for who they are. I could see he was hurting, so I told him that I loved him and offered to buy his next fix.
Okay, so that story is only half true. I did have a friend hooked on drugs, but of course, I didn’t support his choice. Precisely because I did love him, I rejected his lifestyle.
Yes, there were times when it offended him, times when he thought I was being “judgemental,” and intolerant. But guess what? When he needed help out of the lifestyle, he didn’t go to his supportive friends; he came to me.
The other day I spoke out against an even more destructive lifestyle, homosexuality. And guess what, someone called me “hateful.”
Do you know what the attempted suicide rate is for homosexuals? It’s about 30% for gays and 43% for transgendered. But the real killer is desease. For example, roughly 2% of Americans are infected with HIV, and homosexuals account for 61% of those infected.
The drug rates are just as high, with about 30% of homosexuals abusing, compared to about 9% of heterosexuals. And for all the talk of “love,” homosexuals are far more likely to commit acts of domestic violence.
Although the name “gay” suggests otherwise, they are also far more likely to suffer from depression and mental illness.
The list goes on and on, proving that few lifestyle choices could be more destructive than homosexuality. Most advocates will admit this, but say that it is all the result of society not accepting gays.
Nice try!
People have been persecuted and oppressed all throughout history. And I’m not talking about micro-aggressions and name calling. I’m talking about Christians being hunted down and burned at the stake for their beliefs!
And guess what, no evidence suggests that these persecutions caused suicide, domestic violence, drug abuse, or disease. In fact, they often had the opposite effect.
As Christians we know that all lifestyles that run counter to God’s design lead to self-destruction. Look at hollywood. They have all the wealth, and glory, and fame that the world has to offer, and yet we find a common theme of abuse, suicide and depression. Society loves them, so what is their excuse? The truth is, genuine happiness is not found in any lifestyle apart from our Creator.
And so I have to ask, who is the true homophobe? – the true gay-hater? The progressive who encourages gays on to their destruction, or the Christian trying to show them a better way?
Jennifer DeFrates/Heaven Not Harvard says
Everything you said is true. I’m not sure how to get people to see these truths. They are so sure we’re the hateful ones. Makes me so sad. I wrote a post about trying to reach people for Christ and the only thing I could come up with is humbly confessing my own sins and pointing toward the hope I have in Jesus.
Jennifer DeFrates/Heaven Not Harvard recently posted…Smores Cheesecake
Emily says
I really appreciated this article. It’s been really hard to bite my tongue on facebook because I don’t think getting into heated debates on facebook solves anything. I really like your approach to the subject though and like how you worded it in love. I will share this because I feel it is one way to help spread God’s Word. Thank you for posting this!
Emily recently posted…Ocean Crafts and Activities
Jessica says
Hi, I love your post. Keep be a blessing and salt in this wicked world : )
rosalin says
Hi, i really appreciated your article..
in my point of view we must not hate gay, but we must hate the spirit inside them (ephesians 6). We have known that from beginning God just create man and woman. It means that everything outside that out of God’s design. Our job is not to judge them, but our job is to help them free and back to God’s plan for them (Ezekiel 33:8-9).
Sorry if my english not so good, because this isn’t my mother language.
i hope you can understand.
Violet Ramsey says
I am gay. And on behalf of the gays who haven’t seen this post, I very. Very mad. Our sexuality isn’t a choice and it’s not a “mental illness”. I’m also very upset about you saying that gay relationships are more likely to have domestic abuse. Statistics have shown that, on average, gay couples are more successful and happier with their relationships than that of normal couples. I thank all of you who say that we shouldn’t hate gays, because we’re normal people like you. The only difference is who I love. I hope that you will work on your narrow minded ways, and have a nice night. (If you are confused about gays or want to talk about my comment, my email is Thank you!
Sarah says
This post made me laugh! How righteous you think you are! So judgemental, so ignorant. You also have not spelled disease properly* FYI. Stumbled upon this ridiculousness while researching homeschooling. You should be ashamed. It is dangerous that your family is homeschooling.
Paul says
You guys are idiots. Those Christians first of all, have been burnt at the stake by other Christians. Second of all, there is a sense of community in that. Gays don’t have that, you can’t tell whose gay, because nobody is open about it. Imagine having to hide yourself from the society, for something you cannot change, having to hide from the tiniest of details for the fear that people will shun you away.