How dangerous are schools? While I have always been aware of the public schools' dismal academic failures, it was only recently that I began to consider them dangerous. I had heard of the notorious school shootings, but I assumed they were extremely rare aberrations. Then I dismissed the ever ... View Post
To Germ or Not to Germ?
I really am torn on this one. To what degree should children be exposed to germs? (Read More For Poll) On one side, I am reminded that children have a immune system for a reason. I mean really. Young kids have run around putting everything they find into their mouths for thousands of years. ... View Post
Do Feminists Hate Little Girls?
As if feminists weren't already completely irrelevant, they are going all out to attack Lego for daring to build a line of Lego's that is more appealing to little girls than the traditional lines have been. In a world where women are objectified in every movie, on every billboard, on every magazine ... View Post
The Most Important Subject You Can Teach Your Children
There is so much to teach our little ones. First, we teach them to walk, talk, go potty in the toilet, get dressed, brush their teeth and then when we start our "formal teaching" we focus on kindergarten preparatory subjects, like shapes, counting, and ABC's. These subjects take the bulk of my ... View Post