Want to teach your children values? Below, you will find tips, tools, and resources to teach them about Faith.
- Help your children understand the meaning of faith by giving the example of riding in an airplane. When we ride on an airplane we have faith that it will fly and take us where we want to go. Their are a lot of other examples, but the main point to make is that faith is built on the knowledge of facts.
- Without faith in God there is no reference to judge right from wrong. Establish this faith in your children at an early age by teaching them who God is, what He has done for us, and what He has promised.
- Emphasize the fact that God is the Creator when describing plants, singing songs and reading books about Him.
- Avoid cartoon illustrations of the Bible stories so children will not confuse fact for fiction.
- Introduce Biblical history at a very young age to establish the Bible as a historical document and not a book of “fairy tales”.
Books that Teach Values: Faith
One Year Book of Devotions for Preschoolers
Very young children love and understand these short devotionals! We read one right before nap time everyday in my preschool. I like to ask questions about how the children can apply what we learn to their lives after we read. I always get great responses! These devotionals teach basic principals and are accompanied by a corresponding verse and rhyming prayer. Ages 1+
History is the key to understanding the past and predicting the future. Children who have no concept of history, will have trouble understanding our current political, social, and religious environment. That is why parents should begin teaching their children history as early as possible, especially Biblical history. This book set will help your children have a firm foundation in Biblical, World, and US History! Plus, it contains stories of Christian heroes to inspire your children to do great things for God.
Activities that Teach Values: Faith
Exercise Your Faith
After talking to your children about having faith in God, do this little exercise.
Have a child stand in front of you facing in the other direction.
Tell them to hold their arms out to the side.
Tell them they need to have faith that you will catch them.
See if they can fall backward into your arms
without look back or bending their knees.
Connect the exercise to their faith in God.
If they believe that He loves them and wants what is best,
then they can show their faithfulness by obeying Him.
Exciting Bible Class for Young Children
Daniel and the Lions
Memory Verse Boxes
Days of Creation Eggs
Salvation Corn Craft
Follow me on Pinterest for more Bible Activities for Kids!
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I dunno, I think that’s something we shouldn’t need a reference for. By the time you’re an adult, surely you should know that killing and stealing are wrong without something to say so.
Thanks for linking back to me in this great post, Janine!
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