Parents who do not homeschool their children often think that their lives are much different than those who choose home education. However, this isn't necessarily true. There are five things parents can learn from homeschoolers even if they don't homeschool. Not to mention, there may be more ... View Post
Are Grades Actually Helping Your Child’s Education?
You've decided to take your child's education into your own hands. With that responsibility comes a myriad of thoughts and beliefs of what that should look like. For most homeschooling parents, to give (or not to give) grades is a top concern. I believe the question is valid, but there is ... View Post
Why Common Core Can’t Ruin School
Why is everyone so hysterical about Common Core? Why are teachers quitting their jobs, parents calling their school boards, and students refusing to take the tests? This is silly. People simply don't understand what Common Core is. Common Core is not a new idea, and Common Core is certainly not ... View Post
Dear School, I Want My Childhood Back
Eventually, school believed in me, and I believed in it. I must admit, that I did have a rocky start though. In fact, as a boy I hated school with all my heart. It was synonymous with suffering. I counted the minutes of my wasted afternoons. I had big plans: forts to built, creeks to cross, and ... View Post