Eventually, school believed in me, and I believed in it. I must admit, that I did have a rocky start though. In fact, as a boy I hated school with all my heart. It was synonymous with suffering. I counted the minutes of my wasted afternoons. I had big plans: forts to built, creeks to cross, and ... View Post
Common Core: A Big Bully!
According to Corestandards.org it's all a myth that Common Core is a federal takeover of state schools. Corestandards.org claims, "The federal government will not govern the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The Initiative was and will remain a state-led effort." Do we really believe that ... View Post
Common Core Smells Fishy
With all the recent scandals in the news these days, this one has gotten far less attention than it deserves. Arne Duncan, Obama's Secretary of Education, has been working behind the scenes to implement an extremely controversial program called Common Core. Common Core is nothing more than the ... View Post