The Christmas season is upon us! And while this is a joyous and festive time of the year, it can also be a time of financial stress and worry for some.
That is why I’m teaming up with 25 other bloggers to bring you a Christmas Blessings Giveaway for $500 Paypal cash! We understand the stress of fulfilling our kids’ Christmas lists, or having an unexpected bill to pay, or even just having enough money to put gas in the car and coats on our kids.
We hope to lift some of that burden for one family and bless them with $500 Paypal cash to use for whatever their family needs. Whether it’s for Christmas gifts, to pay off bills, or to save for a rainy day, we hope this giveaway will bless a family this holiday season. And we are blessed to be a blessing as well.
You can earn a lot of entries in the Rafflecopter form below. I know it can seem tedious and time consuming to go through all the entries, but isn’t a chance at $500 worth it? I think it is! Plus, if all of these generous bloggers didn’t participate, we wouldn’t have been able to have such a big prize! So I hope you will take the time to go through each entry. Who knows, maybe you will find some new blogs to follow.
The giveaway will run from Monday, December 7th through Sunday, December 13th (ends at 11:59pm EST). Winner will be notified by email shortly after the giveaway ends and will have 48 hours to respond to claim the prize or another winner will be drawn. You must have a Paypal account to win.
Nyx says
winning this giveaway will bless our family. i am a working student and my finances are devoted mainly towards education and basic needs. if ever given the chance to win i will be able to allocate the prize, share it with my family and be able to give them Christmas Presents.
Catalina says
The blessing for my family would be paying rent expenses
Tara says
This would be such a blessing! Thanks for running this giveaway!
Danielle Jones says
I had to take 2 1/2 months off work this summer due to my child being in an out of state hospital. When I came back to work things had slowed down and my hours were cut. I’ve struggled ever since to get caught back up. This would help us to get caught back up on bills and buy a few gifts for Christmas. Our family would be blessed by having the stress of struggling taken off of our shoulders.
Heather Carter says
We have 10 kiddos. After many years of homeschooling all of them, I simply couldnt afford it nor stay on top of all of it and sent most (but not all) to public school. Turns out, apparently I cant afford public schooling either. If I won this money, I’d buy my kids clothes. Not tattered hand me downs they’ve been wearing, but actual nice clothes. Clothes that fit proper and don’t have rips in them. A pair of jeans can only be repaired and handed down so many times and now my kids are beginning to look like ragamuffins. I am embarrassed and feel like a disappointment. A few weeks ago I decided I would get a third shift job at Toys R Us. My husband works full time and is going to school 4 nights a week to move up in his company. Third shifts were my only option. Upon hearing the size of my family, they rescinded their offer of employment, so now I’ve felt desperate for income and I’ve been trying to win presents for the kids. I am a grown woman with 2 associates degrees that is apparently unemployable anywhere. I’ve never felt so low in my life.
A says
Very generous… thx for the opportunity.
Sarah D. says
How would winning help our family? We are a homeschooling family, on one income, with 4 children and are expecting our 5th. We are moving soon and funds are extremely tight as we are paying bills on our new house and still living in a rented house while we wait on repairs to be done. My husband’s paychecks were very low last month, so we’re trying to play catch-up with the bills with every penny that comes in.
Gail Sieczka says
Winning this would mean the world to our family. We are currently eating beans and rice as our only meals. As of right now, there will be no Christmas presents in our home. Our storage unit with most of our stuff was just locked up since we couldn’t pay and this is where our Christmas tree is. We are continuing to count our blessings and remember that God is in control of everything, even if it doesn’t make any sense to any of us. I have lived on the streets in the past, so I know that there is always something better. Remember, God is good!
Barbara Platt says
This would be a blessing that would help us to help relative’s family who has lost his job and spent a lot of time back and forth in the hospital. We could make sure the two kids are taken care of and they have food to eat.
Barbara Platt recently posted…Happy Birthday, Henry, we love you
Sara K. says
This would bless our family by allowing us to visit my in-laws this season.
Birdie Skolfield says
It would bless my family as Ill share half of it with another more needy family
Sarah VM says
Winning this would bless my family so much! My husband desperately needs new tires for his car before winter. This would help us tremendously.
Laura P. says
Would be a great to use on an upcoming trip overseas!
Laura Wilson says
This would bless my family by helping pay some bills.
Stephanie Olmsted says
It would be a blessing to pay some bills.
Beverly M says
This would sure bless me if I won. I’m an elderly senior citizen, trying to live on a small social security check every month. Thanks for having this contest.
Jessica Bush says
It would be a blessing to pay some bills. We had a completely fresh start earlier this year, and it took a few months to recover, it would greatly help us finish catching up!
Christa Bengtsson says
It would bless my family by helping pay off our past debt plus a little would go towards my hubby’s birthday present next month.
Hilary V. says
This would be such a blessing to our family. There are a few things we are in need of, and this would help for sure. What a blessing that you are doing this.
Deanna Harrison says
Winning this would help buy homeschool curriculum missionary kids.
Deanna Harrison says
Winning this would help buy homeschool curriculum missionary childen
Christina Morley says
Thank you, Janine, for hosting this giveaway! Winning this will bless my family tremendously. We are missionaries in South Africa and money has been tight for the last few years. We tend to gravitate toward giving our kids some books and a few other small items at Christmas. This Christmas we’ll have to be even more careful with what we spend money on, because one of our main supporters died this year.
Christina Morley recently posted…Lionel’s Christmas Adventure
Kathrine says
Thank you for this opportunity. We could live without the extra $500, but it would be very helpful to use towards next year’s homeschool classes and books.
Merry Christmas!
This prize will help my family of 5 have a great Christmas dinner and maybe get our 3 sons some gifts. Thanks for this contest
Sara says
This would be an answer to prayers. This money would go toward rent, utilities, and medical bills. We can’t afford to buy presents so we’re relying on the kindness of family to help us now. Thanks for the chance.
Faith Robeson says
I would use the money to surprise my family in Colorado. My son is having eye surgery later this week due to macular degeneration (he is only 24, I was diagnosed in March with it). I was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure and in February my mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Daddy just celebrated 5 years cancer free but he is now having heart problems. This has been a horrible year for medical in my family. I would like to be together since I’m not sure how much time any of us have left.
Sarah Mechler says
As a home-school mom of five and a special needs mom of three, this would be life-changing to us this Christmas! Things have been tight for so long. Still, the Lord always provides! Thanks for doing this.
Judy says
This would help pay off some bills and/or gifts for our kids as things are super tight Thank you for offering this as there is great need in many families!
Dori says
Thank you for this chance to win, it would be a blessing for our family!
Shannon Alexander says
This would help us tremendously! We would be able to pay a bill or two, get some needed homeschool curriculum AND buy Christmas presents for our 5 kids!
Kristina Belcher says
Thanks for the giveaway. We could use it if we won it. We would use some of it to help my in laws. My father in law lost his job last week. One he had for 15 years. They have been laying people off for a couple years because a drop in production. We are also tight on funds and a little money could help us get through the holidays. Thanks again.
Marsena says
This would help us so much. Thanks for offering this.
Steve Weber says
This would bless my family – we would use the money to pay a bill or two as well as purchase groceries and diapers and baby food as well- my sisters both just had boys 2 months apart!
Diane D says
What a wonderful opportunity you’re providing. Thank you!
Will G says
It would help us pay for some of the Christmas gifts we would buy for our family!
Sharon says
This giveaway would help our family pay a hospital bill from earlier this year.
Stacey A Smith says
it would help so much could pay some bills and still have Christmas!would even get gifts for my brothers family.
Monica G. says
Like so many others, our finances are super tight this year. My husband lost his job back in May and only started working his new job about 2 weeks ago. This money would allow us to give our daughters a nice Christmas and pay a few medical bills.
Rebecca Crowell says
Winning this contest could pay some bills and we could get a badly needed vacuum cleaner. Reading the other comments makes me feel like we aren’t alone in the financial struggle we’ve been going through..
Rawal says
This would be such a blessing! Thanks for running this giveaway!
lia soc says
This would bless my family – we will use to pay medical expenses
Rebecca HM. says
I have been looking for work all year, despite everything I still have nothing to show for it. I am a om of three and its just been so hard. Luckily I have been cleaning houses every now and then. Which has helped meet ends meet but not always. This would bless my family with not just Christmas but also with my son’s birthday which is also Christmas. He is turning the big 10, and one of the things they he wanted to do was give out these homeless bags that we have been working on all year. We still needs socks, and we want to put a few disposable heating packs to help with the winter. So this would be perfect, I can get the items needed for the bags, a gift for each of my children, and use the rest to buy basic necessities. We would be ever so grateful, my kids have been troopers with being okay with not getting birthday gifts this year. They have just been happy with cake and balloons for the dollar store. My son and my daughters most asked for gift was to get a tree this year. Which I was able to save and get the first week of December. They decorated the tree all by their selves, except for the tippy top but they got to chose what went where. To say the least our tree is unique and fun.
Rebecca HM. says
Sorry for all the typos. May everyone have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
April Dangerfield says
It would bless our family because it would make it so much easier to go visit family for Christmas and still manage a couple gifts for the kids, which I currently am not going to be able to do and still go visit.
Michelle Hill says
What an awesome giveaway! We will use extra cash this season to spread Christmas cheer and help those in need:). Thanks for the chance!
Tracy DeLoach says
Winning this would be a huge blessing to me. It would allow me to visit my son’s family and see my grandchildren, who I have seen in the past 3 years. Thank you so much for this generous giveaway. Wishing you & your family a Very Merry Christmas!!
Sally says
I would like to put this toward our two sons’ college expense.
kendell says
I would be able to help my daughter with fees for her children’s education as their business has failed and they may even lose their house.
Linda Kish says
I will be able to buy new glasses and my DIL will be able to see the dentist. It would truly help us out.