A mother’s work is never done, at anytime throughout the year. During the Christmas season, the list of jobs that a mother needs to accomplish each day seems to increase in unbelievable ways! From planning family dinners to shopping for multiple Christmas parties, from compiling delicious menus to decorating the family tree, a mother’s Christmas season is terribly busy!
How is a busy mother supposed to be able to enjoy the Christmas season and all the joy it has to offer when her to-do list is longer than the hours in her day allows?
Stay organized
This is key for mothers to be able to slow down throughout the Christmas season! The Multi Taskin Mom has a Christmas Survival Guide that will keep your shopping, meal planning, Christmas movie watching and more organized this Christmas season!
Keep your priorities in order
You must remember your priorities and their importance throughout the entire Christmas season. Remember the Reason for the Season, make room for quality time with the ones you love, reach out to those who are in need of extra love and help this Christmas and ensure you save time for you to rest and be refreshed each day. Download this free printable to remind you of these priorities all Christmas season long!
Don’t overcommit
You’ll receive invitations, your children will be invited to special Christmas events and family members will be hosting parties and more during the Christmas season. Don’t overwhelm you or your family by overcommitting. Take time to talk to your husband and children to determine which events are best for your family this year.
Stick to your budget
Shopping during the Christmas season can be exciting, but often that excitement can cause us to continue shopping even though we’ve already purchased all of the gifts we had on our lists. When we only buy items that are on our Christmas gift list we ensure that we aren’t adding more to our already busy days, we stick to our budget and help our days remain slow throughout the holidays.
It’s important for our families to be able to spend time with us during the Christmas season, so we must take the appropriate steps to ensure that we can do so. Christmas isn’t about the gifts, parties or even the pretty twinkling lights, when we take time to slow down at Christmas time it is easier to remember what we’re celebrating…what truly matters.
How do you remind yourself to slow down during the busy Christmas season?
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