Homeschooling is one of the most rewarding experiences. Many parents think that they need lots of supplies, curriculum, and money to teach their children at home, but the opposite is true. There are only 5 things that you really need to homeschool.
5 Things You Need to Homeschool
I get a lot of questions about how I homeschool. Most people sound like they think it is impossible and expensive. I’m wondering if they are comparing me to a regular teacher in a public school with 20 kids whom I know next to nothing about? That’s not what it is like at ALL.
Of course we have our struggles, but with all of them at different ages, it is a LOT easier than people think. In fact, it is a LOT of fun! And you really only need these 5 things.
The Ultimate Library:
We live in the information age. Access to knowledge on any subject we can imagine is available with just a few clicks. That’s why a computer with access to the internet is a must. If you have that, even curriculum becomes unnecessary, although convenient and a time saver.
Amazing free resources are now available that makes homeschooling fun and easy. Learning Activities, Crafts, Free Printables, Lapbooks, even support groups are available for free. So don’t worry too much about the financial cost. And you don’t really need to own a home computer, just access to one like at your local library or community computer lab.
Pencil & Paper:
You could really get by with just a pencil & paper, but if your children like to do art projects, it is a good idea to invest in some inexpensive art supplies. Maybe even let them experiment with the recycling bin or tinker with broken toys. Allowing your children to explore different subjects through their own creativity will encourage a love for learning.
Peace and Quiet:
Children need a place where they don’t have any distractions. This doesn’t need to be fancy and can even be outside. I’m not talking about all day or even the whole time you are doing lessons, but at least an hour of quiet is a good rule to have each day.
If you have a small house and lots of kids, it might be difficult. For older children, you can try ear muffs or plugs, and with younger children, having busy bags and other quiet activities set up in different areas of the house to keep kids separated helps.
A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step:
Maybe you are intimidated by the thought of homeschooling, but the hardest part is deciding to take that first step. Perhaps, you hear a little voice inside your head telling you that you aren’t certified to teach, don’t know how, or aren’t smart enough. That is your schooling talking!
Don’t listen to the doubts! Just take that big-little first step and you will be fine! Who knows, you might just fall in love with homeschooling.
The Most Important Thing:
LOVE. Sounds cheesy, right? But that is the most important thing and it sets homeschooling and public/private school apart. The lack of love in school is taking a serious toll on our young people and it shows.
Through the violence, bullying, drugs, pre-marital sex, and extreme self-esteem issues, our children are calling out for us to reclaim them before it is too late. For many children, the hostilities of school cause them to wither; put those same kids back in an environment where they are loved unconditionally and watch how quickly they begin to bloom.
How about you, is there something in your homeschool that you just couldn’t live without? Or maybe this list is too big and there is something you could do without? Leave comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts, or answer your questions.
Thank you for sharing the simplicity that is possible, We have a renewed focus on character in our homeschooling this year.
Thank you Karen! I’m so glad!
I homeschooled and you definitely can get by with minimal expense. There are library sales or online discount sales where you can get books for cheap. Buy your supplies during/around July when they are usually at rock bottom prices (check your local area). Homeschooling is so big nowadays that there are plenty of resources, support groups, either locally or by internet. You may find used curriculums on ebay or craigslist. Definitely better to home school if you can do it. Your child will be better off.
Thanks for sharing such a great blog!!!! Keep sharing such a great blog that would help every homeschooler in homeschooling their children in the best possible way.
Great read Janine!!! It’s just amazing to read your blog. Keep sharing blog like this.
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The main thing needed is a love of wanting your child to do well and bringing enthusiasm to the homeschooling. That is more important than anything.