Nothing challenges a child’s faith in God like the Theory of Evolution. It is not because the theory is a strong one, but because it’s often the only one presented to him. It is not enough to tell your child that creation happened, when “scientists” claimed to have proven otherwise. You must make a reasonable case for your faith, or your children will come to see your faith as a fantasy that flies in the face of facts.
Of course, that can be hard to do. You haven’t studied biology, or creationism for that matter, and your children are learning from professionals who study little else.
Luckily, you don’t have to know a whole lot to disprove evolution. The theory is so weak that its proponents have only kept it alive by pushing it on children in government schools, who lack the scientific understanding to refute it.
The Only Thing Your Kids Need to Refute Evolution
You don’t have to become an expert in DNA, adaptations, mutations, probability, fossils, or anything else. Evolution has an Achilles’ heel. Share it with your children and they will be able to stand confidently, knowing that science supports their faith. Evolution’s Achille’s heel is the Law of Biogenesis.
The fact is, evolution was DEAD on arrival. While evolutionary scientists claim that their theory is a scientific explanation for the origins of life, they haven’t the slightest clue where the original spark of life came from.
They think that they can explain how lower forms of life evolved into higher forms, but even with their wild imaginations, they haven’t come up with a scientific theory to explain what transformed non-living (inorganic) matter into living (organic) matter.
This is big deal. It should have been the starting point, because without life, evolution is dead in it tracks. But evolutionists go on believing, claiming that just because they don’t have a natural explanation of life’s origin, doesn’t mean God did it. Science, they claim, is working on a solution.
Science has already given us the solution. It is called the Law of Biogenesis: life comes from life. Observable science has already proven that non-living material can’t spontaneously come to life.
Regardless of their claims, evolutionists actually submit to this truth all the time.
When someone they love dies, they bury them. They know that there is no need to preserve the body, because once the life force leaves, science cannot restore it. Go ahead and ask them. Forget about their primordial soup and billions of years of evolution. Give them the finished product.
Take a dead man, with all his organs and systems fully evolved, and ask the evolutionist to bring him back to life.
They can’t.
They wouldn’t know where to start, because they know that life only comes from life. Yet, they want us to believe that a few elements attached themselves together and then “poof,” in spite of all we know from science, spontaneously came to life. They can’t reproduce the act in a lab, with all their supercomputers, but they want us to believe that it just randomly happened billions of years ago in a mud puddle.
The delusions these people willingly embrace to get rid of God is astounding; some even claiming that aliens put life on earth. Think that I am joking, or that it must be a fringe opinion? Listen to Richard Dawkins, the world’s most influential evolutionist and atheist, in his own words.
Now these people aren’t stupid; in fact, they are very intelligent. The problem is that the whole universe points to God, but they decided ahead of time that they just wouldn’t go there.
So, if you teach your children nothing else to refute evolution, teach them about the Law of Biogenesis!
Rahul says
This article doesn’t prove that evolution never happened. Also, the Law of Biogenesis only applies to complex life. The first organism on earth was not complex, it was single celled bacteria. Even if Biogenesis applied to single celled organisms, that doesn’t invalidate evolution, that only invalidates the idea that those single celled bacteria came out of nowhere. Evolution comes from life, evolution fits within the Law of Biogenesis. Your analysis on this subject shows that you don’t even understand the Law of Biogenesis.
Now, there is a chance that god created the Big Bang, I’m not going to contest that because there is no point in contesting it, because the contention will get nowhere because the claim that god created ‘everything’ is not falsifiable.
I’m actually an agnostic Hindu, which means I believe that there is a god, but I still have doubts about it.
Janine says
Most evolutionists deny the existence of God and believe that life spontaneously came into being. That theory has never been proven, but the Law of Biogenesis has been proven. If you want to believe that God created the first cell, that makes more sense, but there are many other reasons not to believe in evolution.
Rahul says
There is such thing as Abiogenesis, which theorizes that life can come from non living things. The Law of Biogenesis is only applicable when talking about complex organisms, such as humans.
Also, what does spontaneous generation have anything to do with evolution. Even if there was no such thing as spontaneous generation, creationism could still be a thing. God created the single celled life, which eventually evolved into multicellular life.
Nothing in your article contradicts evolution.