What does school really do to your kids? Most people think they had a good experience at school, that’s because they had no idea what was being done to them.
More Blood is the most controversial book on education ever written. It has the power to change the conversation about school forever. And while More Blood is non-fiction, it is anything but dull!
Personal stories, forgotten histories, secret motives, and dark sciences make this book a true page-turner. The deeper you read, the more that’s revealed.
This post contains a giveaway. For more info read my full disclosure.
More Blood is broken into three parts: The Place Without Love, The Evolution of Tyranny, and A Programmable Man. When you get to Part 3, you won’t want to believe what you read, but won’t be able to help reflecting on it for the rest of your life. Part 3 will blow your mind! You’ll never look at school the same.
If you have school-aged children, you must read More Blood – you have to know what school is really doing to them!
Click here to read a free sample
Part 1: The Stairway to Hell.
In it, you’ll discover a taste of the stories that bring this book to life. More Blood is available in Paperback for $17.99 and digital versions for $9.99.
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Whether you agree or disagree, you voice is important. Over the next few months, Britton will be speaking about topics in More Blood and we’d love for you to join the conversation! On Sep. 11, at 8:00 p.m. we are teaming up with the iHomeschool Network for a LIVE interview to talk about two major myths of public education. Or, make your voice heard by using #MoreBlood.
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I went to public school and graduated in 1971. It was a small farming community and 6 local towns made up our school and there was still only 45 kids in my class. It was a great experience.
I went to public school and I always really enjoyed school. I got a variety of experiences and met a lot of the people who are still my good friends.
I did go to public school (I didnt really have a choice) but thats ok I didnt mind. It was, im sure like most schools.
i went to private catholic school and I always wanted to go to public school! I guess I liked my school but public school would’ve been fun.
Caitlyn recently posted…Ulta’s 21 Days of Beauty- Fall Calendar
I did. I went from big public schools in texas to a small christian school in oregon… ran the gamut of experiences.
I went to public schools, and had some wonderful teachers.
My mom went to a private school for a short time and said it was a waste of money.
This seems really scary
I went to public school from private, I was able to keep up,. I graduated with great grades. Public school rocks.
I am looking forward to the difference between private and public schools and if Public school kids are being built for industrial labor work versus Private prep school kids is it all money? Looking forward to joining in.
I went to public school, i live in Italy and here almost everybody go to public school because it’s free and the education is better than the private school.
I loved public school and the teachers were kind and helpful. I remember running a lot during recesses.
I went to public school! I must say i have some good memories and bad!!
I went to public school. not only did I survive, I excelled.
I went to public school. My experience was good overall.
Yes, I went to public school and the experience was half good and half bad. I got teased a lot in grade school, but things got better in high school.
I went to Public school and had a great experience.
I went to public school and had an awesome experience because I got involved!
Yes, I actually graduated from a public school and it’s also had a nice environment and they taught as well 🙂
I went to public school and it was fine I guess. There was a lot of cliques and favoritism between the students and teachers. There’s a great TedTalk about HackSchooling. I wish that I could provide that for my son instead of public school.
I went to Catholic School til High School. I got teased! Oh my gosh, it was bad. I was teased cause I wore glasses, I was teased cause I was a bookworm (SUPER bookworm) I got teased when I “blossomed” early and generously. It got better in public High- I was able to find my niche and kids just like me there… I thought it was a good school. It was fun! No troubles there at all. but it WAS the early70’s however. Things got MUCH better OUT of school, however. LOL I guess I hated the entire “social” thing in schools a bit. There were ALWAYS cliques and snobbery, etc.
BUT you know what? I found out there is a lot of the same IN the work place. Oh yes, I went on to be a secretary in a bank downtown Chicago and there are office cliques and such… *sigh*
I went to public schools I would love to win!! Thanks
I went to a public school and it was fun because that’s where I met so many of my good friends and got to experience a lot of stuff…like sleepovers and trips to the museums
I went to public school . Elementary was fine although starting at age 4 was too early. Hated Jr. High and High school was ok.I think I might have liked private schooling better
I went to a public school and i loved it
My public school was pretty nice. We picked out our new house because of the good schools.
0’d -a lifetime ago. I went to school in the 60’s and 70’s. Things were good thn. I worry about my grandchildren who attend public school now.
I was homeschooled, and it was great. 🙂
My public school experience witnessed the ups and downs of it. However, I’d send my kids to a private one if I could afford it.
I went to Public school and had a nice experience.
I went to a public school. My experience was ok. It was very large and I didn’t get a lot of personalized learning that I would have liked.
I went to public school and that’s a big part of why I homeschool. I had an OK experience but nothing good that was especially memorable. The most prominent memory was that I did not interact with my parents much and left with few true friends.
I went to public school and it was just fine.
I went to public school and have nothing but good to say about it. There were great teachers (a couple less great) and the other students were always nice to me. My high school was about 500 kids in my graduating class, so it was pretty big.
My public school experience was wonderful and my kids went to the same school system i attended.
I went to public school and had a great experience
I went to public school and had no issues with it. I had great teachers and just an overall good experience.
Did you go to public school? How was your experience?
public horrible…honesly
I went to public school and it was both good and bad. The social interaction with all your friends is wonderful. Bullies and poor teachers are terrible. I will definitely be homeschooling my children mostly so that we can interact more. Between working, homework, and school activities, I never saw my parents!
I went to public school. I had some good and some bad experiences. It was a school with a lot of students.
I never went to public schools.
I went to public school it was ok
I went to public school. Due to my parents job, we moved a lot, because of that I was able to experience different schools from North Carolina to California. Each school has its pros and cons.
Tammy Woodall recently posted…10+ Preschool Math Activities and Moms Library #106
I went to public school and I had a good time until I started high school where I got bored with learning essentially the same things that were already taught or things that I already knew. I dropped out in 11th grade and started going to college after taking the GED test.
David Smith recently posted…Blogger Opp – Binky Butler Giveaway Signups End 9/11
I went to public schools until I finished the middle schools, then I went on a private high-school. I had a beautiful experience there yet still I suggest everyone I know to go in a public one, I belive it gives you more!
Elena recently posted…5 Things you’ll always find in Nicholas Spark’s Movies
I went to public schools and had a fabulous experience.
I am 41 years old and attended public school. It was a generally very good experience. Unfortunately, I believe that over time the public school system has changed thus leading to our decision to home educate our three children.
Yes, I went to public school back in the 50s and 60s, and my daughters also attended public school in the 90s and early 2000s. It was a fine experience for all of us.
I am 56, a grandma. I went to many public schools as we moved around a lot. I was there when they took prayer and the 10 commandments out of school. When I was in elementary, our principle would pray over us every morning. When I was in 3rd grade they stopped that. When I was in 8th grade, a kid offered me acid in the hall way. When my daughter was in school, they made her see a counselor every Friday because we had just moved there, within months they were accussing me of abuse because I had been homeschooling her. Now I see so many children being diagnosed ADHD because they can’t sit still in class. Most of these children are reacting to dyes and chemicals and stuff in the food. They feed them McDonalds for lunch in a lot of places. We had home cooked food for lunch. I just woke up, and am a bit scattered, but I am praying my children homeschool.
yes i went to public school i loved school
Liza Vladyka recently posted…iPad Mini 2 giveaway
I lived a chaotic childhood in & out of foster homes & relatives so could never keep up in public school. I quit at start of 9th grade but got a GED & went to college. Changing schools is always hard for kids because rarely will you be at the same place in your studies.
Went to public school. Compared to what school is today, I cherish what school was for me. I wish it could be that way for my children too.
I went to public school. I remember always staying with my church group girlfriends. My moms friend was one of the lunch ladies so it was nice to see her every day too.
I went to Catholic school for all but Kindergarten. Personally K was the only experience I’ve had with public education and it was a wonderful experience.
I went to public school and hated it. Kids can be cruel
I went to public school, but it wasn’t the best of experiences. The teaching itself wasn’t bad, but I was tormented in school by the other children so I couldn’t pay as much attention as I should have in class. I ended up dropping out and getting my GED.
i went to public school and hated it, not that I think private would have been any better….
I went to public school and to be honest it was not a pleasant time for me. While I enjoyed learning, I disliked going to school because kids were quite cruel. Being picked on constantly just because you are an easy target takes its toll on you. I do not think any child should have to go through this.
I went to public school and it was mostly fine. Got a good education. I’ve just felt led to homeschool my son.
I did go to public school but feel like things were different back then… With all the new laws and social norms I can’t emaine my kids in public school
I went to public school and it overall wasn’t that great.
I attended public school and taught in a public school. It was all good.
I went to public school it was great until high school I had to take a lot of useless courses
I went from public school all my life and then private college; the thing that stood out was different “leanings” in the teaching. The thing is no matter the setting there kids will always get picked on, there’s going to be “class” issues. When I was in public school the teachers didn’t care that the students didn’t care. In the private school setting the teachers actually gave a care about you academically and personally. Felt more welcome there among people I could relate to (and no, not just religiously).
I went to public school. I liked it.
Yes, I went to public school and it was a great experience.
Honestly, I wish I could have skipped the whole ordeal of the school institution… Coulda used my time better as a sheep herder that has time to read all the books I did in school and more.
I was bullied for years but I had friends and a supportive family. Plus I had others I could count on.
My school was good other than the fact that they did not have enough books for each student
I went to both public and private schools. There were advantages and disadvantages to both — but I think I ended up being a little more well rounded because I had both experiences!
I went both to a public and a parochial school. I hated both-the best day of my life up to that point was the day I graduated from high school.
great memories!
I went to a public school and really hated school.
I went to military schools growing up and loved it, public school in my senior year and it was hell.
Yes, I did go to public school and I had a lot of great memories about it!
I went to public school and had mostly positive experiences. I liked it but if I have kids I’m not sure I would want them to go to public school. It’s changed a lot!
Becca recently posted…My “Real” Job – Working with Special Needs People
i went to public schools and it was alright, i just needed extra help but didn’t get it, i just barely passed year after year. if i’d gotten more help i would’ve done much better.
i have been in different public schools and private and i like more public because there is more activities to do and it is your decision to do what you want to do
I was homeschooled/unschooled for all my school years and had a really good experience with it. If I have kids, I’d definitely choose to educate them at home.
average but drawback was the facilities was in bad shape
I went to public school and was bullied alot. I had very few friends. Most of my friends growing up went to other schools or were in different grades and classes.
I went to public school and stayed with a good group of kids so my experience was ok.
I went to public school, and I honestly had a good experience.
Went to public school wasn’t as messed up with a bunch of stupid and crazy kids now a days.
I went to public school and had mostly good experiences.
I went to public schools. I have good memories glad to get the exposure
I went to public school and the experience was all right.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
I went to public school and had a terrific experience. No bullying and a good education that allowed me to go to the college of my choice.
Robyn R recently posted…NutriBullet #Review and #Giveaway
I went to public school and private school and I would have to say that public schools are a lot more ‘relaxed”……….
i went to public school. it pretty much sucked. i was bored and the kids were mean.
I went through public schools and I think I received a reasonably good education. Sad to say but I think it was markedly better than what kids today receive.
I went to private
Yes, I did and it was horrific. The best day of my life (at that point), graduation. I couldn’t wait to get out, and escaped the town I grew up in the very moment I could. That was back in the days before they talked about bullies, and I was bullied from day number one til the end – but students AND teachers. My education was mediocre at best, which I found out once I attended college. I paid for all the remedial courses because I didn’t have a choice. I should have had a better education than I did.
I went to public school, it was not the best experience of my life 😉 I was badly bullied threw most of it, both by kids a number of times by teachers! Some of our decision to homeschool was based on my experience on the school system.
I graduated from public HS 40 years ago and had a good experience. I know a lot of parents that have chosen to homeschool!
went to public school and I always really enjoyed
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I went to public school and it was fine
I went to both private and public schools and enjoyed myself more at the public one. It was less snobby and we didn’t have to wear a uniform haha
Nope! I was homeschooled, but went to catholic highschooL!
I loved public school. I had lots of friends
I went to both public and private schools growing up. In public school I was rediculed and rejected also for the 1st 3 years and 1 private school I was as well. It wasnt until the 2nd private school that I went to that I finally found some friends and was accepted.
I only ever went to a public schools. It was a pretty decent experience. At times, I was subject to ridicule. However, I got a pretty fair education and there were many classes that I really enjoyed.
Catherine G. recently posted…Winners, contests and a few features!
I graduated more than 25 years ago and went to mainly inner city public schools and I’d say, other than the few teachers I liked a lot, that it wasn’t always the greatest experience and if I’d had a choice and the knowledge back then that I would have chosen differently.
I went to a private, Catholic no less, girls school for a year and a half in high school and I’d have to say it was overall a great experience. Not to say anything bad about my public school teachers because a lot of them were very, very good teachers and worked with what they had to work with, but I had to work a lot harder at the private Catholic school to get the same grades I got at the public school where I barely put in much effort. It was a different kind of school though, very open and I understand that many Catholic schools weren’t like that. I do agree with a lot of what I’ve heard him say, even thought some of those same things myself.
I had some minor interactions, while working at a library, with several homeschooled children as the area of town I worked in had a higher amount of homeschooled children than many areas. They were always polite and seemed more mature than a lot of other kids.
He made a very good point about socialization in schools, and how as far as peer socialization goes, and especially with social media nowadays, it’s basically the blind leading the blind. The fact is that a lot of people do always and forever lay sole blame for children’s actions at the parent’s feet but children seem to spend more time in school, with their peers and teachers, in a formal setting, than they do with their family. There has to be some give somewhere.
College was a much better experience and learning and going to class seemed almost always something to be excited about there.
I loved public school and the school is having a 50th reunion in Oct….cannot wait to go and see some old friends and hopefully some teachers.
I went to public school and so have my children. We all have and have had good experiences.
I went to the best public school. The finest teachers and a great learning experience.
no one beats Public School… everything is there!
I went to public school and my school years are one of my most precious memories. Still friends with my teachers.
I did go to public school. Honestly, I wasn’t a big fan.
I went to both public school and private school. Some of the kids in public school are mean but I my experience was still good.
I did go to public school. And it was fine. In fact I was a GREAT student… but I wrote about my experiences at how I think, in some ways, I came ahead of the system: http://www.whatsupfagans.com/2013/07/thinking-about-homeschooling-how-i-survived-public-schools/
Katelyn F recently posted…Are you Afraid to Talk of Christ? #BoldChristian
Public school was okay, but I never felt challenged or had meaningful relationships with the teachers.
I went to public school, as well. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox
I went to a private school here, as it was the best option for my parents 🙂
I went to public school (not in US) and it was a good experience from me. The last years were really good and it taught me many lessons.
I had a great public school experience. I sent my son to public school, taught public school, homeschooled and now have another child in public school. I’m a technology integration specialist for a public school and blessed to work and take my children to school in this particular school – it’s top notch – but that’s not always the case. As with homeschooling, there are good and bad…it’s like that with everything in life.
I went to public school and was bullied. I hated it and eventually dropped out.
I went to a very small public school and loved it for the most part.
I went to public school in the late 70s-80s (graduated in 1987) and hated every second of it. The bus rides were sheer hell with the physical bullying and attacks, and the sexual harrassment in school was just as bad. Teachers had their favorites, everyone had their cliques, and my only interests were band and speech. Abject hell. . . I’d never, ever do it again.
I went to public school and my experience was not ideal. During my middle school years, I was an outcast and I was bullied.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yes, I went to public school. It was ok, but if had my own children, I would do everything in my power to home school them.
Yes, I went to a very small (town) public school. I didn’t have any problems with it.
Yes I went to public school. I made friends and enjoyed my classes.
I went to public school from 9th grade on and got heavily into drinking and drugs. I barely graduated.
I went to public school and I had a terrible experience. I was held back, intellectually, by having to stay at the levels of my peers. And I was tormented socially by mean kids.
Christy recently posted…Our Move ~ The Long Story
I went to public school and I hated it, I was bullied and humiliated.
I went to public school and liked it, because the teachers were very kind and attentive. 🙂
I did go to public school. I ran cross-country and track. I graduated from high school and college with honors.
I went to a public school, but it wasn’t the big city school in town. It was a great experience. Good teachers, great friends and the rules were very strict, not like most public schools today.
I went to public school and overall had a good experience.
I did. I hate my country’s education system. -_-
I went to public school growing up and had a great experience.
But when my son starting attending school I did have problems with him being bullied. Fortunately I wont put up with it and neither will our schools.
I went to public school and it was a good experience.
I went to public school– some good days, some not so good– learned early on that being pushy and bullish toward the girls got me ahead, I am ashamed to admit–but I had plenty of male friends because I wouldn’t take anyones garbage not even a teacher—My children are homed school because of my experience
yes i went to public school.i had some great teachers and classmates in k-8th grade.but once i got to high school it wasnt that good.had some bad times being teased because i was overweight.the good thing was i had an older brother in the same school i told them about,told them not to mess with me or they would have to deal with him.
Bullies made it bad, but most of the teachers did a good job. It didn’t quell my opinions and independence as it may some less strong-willed kids.
I hated public school, there was just so many problems with the teachers and what they were teaching.
I went to public school and my experience was ok
I went to public school and liked it for the most part.
I went to private
I, as well as my younger brother & sister, were in public school. My brother & I both had bad experiences, while my sister’s was good; she loved it.
I went to a public school and I turned out fine. I see nothing wrong with them.
I went to public school and it was a good experience.
I attended public school after my mother fell ill and could no longer homeschool. I found that I was one of the best educated in my class, as well as one of the few who would think outside the box, arguing with the teachers up until my last day of my senior year. Some were annoyed with me, but there were those who respected me for it. They were always the good teachers, anyway. 🙂
I went to Catholic school, and the nuns were very intense
I went to a small town public school and enjoyed every day of it.I loved it!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I went to public school and the experience could have been better all the way around.
Going to public school in Chicago during the late 60’s thru the early 70’s was a nightmare! I’m so glad we finally moved out to the country.
No, a private school in the ’60s.
Thanks for the contest.
I went to public school. It was fine!
I went to private school for most of my schooling but went to public for awhile. I received a better education in private school for my grade school education but when I compare public high school and private school education it depends where you live. I found the public high school was actually more challenging.
Yes, it was good.
I went to public school from K-3 (on a waiting list for Catholic school) I was double promoted twice. Finished my 4-12 in Catholic school then public university. All of my son’s went to Christian, Catholic or Lutheran schools
I went to public school at some of the top schools in the nation at the time. I did very well with it, and had absolutely fantastic teachers for the most part! However, it has sadly changed for the worst so very badly that even my first grade teacher (and she was cream of the crop) told me to homeschool my children AT LEAST through elementary because things had plummeted so far. That shocked me. She loved teaching, and was incredibly good at it!
I did go to public school. It was pretty good.
I went to public school and while there were some good memories, on the whole, I hated it. Going to public school is the reason I homeschool. In the first grade, I read at an 8th grade level. By the time I was in 4th grade, apathetic teachers had attempted to dumb me down so that not only was I doing the same thing as everyone else, I was actually repeating a book because they’d rather I be bored to tears than receive “special treatment.” I remember thinking that year that I wished my mom could just get the books and let me do school at home. At the time, I didn’t realize that was actually a real thing. I thought it was just my little fantasy. Behind me came two brothers that were also smarter than average and were also held back by the public school system. Once I knew that homeschooling was real, I knew that if I ever had children, that was what I was going to do with them. I didn’t want any child of mine to be forced to repeat something they’d already learned, or to face ridicule for struggling, or to have to deal with the bullying that I dealt with in middle school. I found that public school was a place full of drama and hate. I’m not sure how I survived it.
Debra C recently posted…Aaaaand I’m Back!
I went to public school in California. Had some amazing teachers….then had some teachers that were just there for the paycheck!!! My 3rd grade teacher talked about how she was bombed all the time in Germany. We had to address her in German, I DON”T KNOW WHY since we lived in the U.S. but as a 3rd grader is guess you don’t question it. ???
I had a 9th grade teacher who sat his students according to how they did in the class. He had his first row as the ” Cream of the Crop” and so on. Well some kids thrive on trying to do their best and I was one of those kids, but as I began to drop out of the first row and into the second then the third for a little while, I kinda figured “who cares” about his dumb system. If you talked in class you would have to write on the chalkboard 100 times “I will not talk in class.” Come on people, we were like 14 years old, and public school helps us socialize……..I don’t think so. You can only talk when they say it’s ok and how is socializing with all other 14 year olds even remotely normal.
I worked at an insurance company when I was 27 I didn’t work with other 27 year olds. There were some people who were about to retire and there were some people who had just finished up college.