Letter beads are fun to use with your child while working on letter recognition and spelling, simply because it is a concrete object which involves all the different senses to learn. I made up this simple game using (affiliate) letter beads and pipecleaners to work on letter recognition and ... View Post
5 Awesome Reasons for Bedtime Stories
Children love listening to bedtime stories. However as kids grow and participate it more activities, time gets rushed. It's too easy to push bedtime stories aside in favor of chores and last minutes to-do's that need to be done. There are 5 awesome reasons to encourage you to include bedtime ... View Post
5 Fun Tips for Teaching Phonics
Teaching phonics gets old after a time, especially if you're teaching your second or third child. It simply loses it's charm when you're using the same old worksheets and drill books year after year. Instead of dusting off your old material, try these 5 fun methods for teaching phonics. ... View Post
Sight Word Activities and Mom’s Library #156
Sight words are the best and easiest ways to teach reading. Here are a few sight word activities to motivate your young reader! Welcome to Mom’s Library This post is filled with parenting tips, activities for young children, crafts, devotionals, recipes, and more! Be sure to subscribe so ... View Post