My parenting journey began some 18 years ago with the birth of our first child. And what a cliched journey it has been: full of ups and downs, laughter and tears, mistakes and victories…. Through all that, I am so thankful to God that his grace is ever sufficient to cover my shortcomings as a ... View Post
5 Keys to Being a Wise Dad
My earliest childhood memory is the night my dad walked out on his family. I was three and half. My sister was 5. My brother wasn’t even a year old. And dad walked out, leaving my mom to raise three kids by herself. I didn’t see my dad again until I was 7. Between 7 and 18 I only saw him a ... View Post
5 Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom in Us All
Being a mom is hard. I don't care if you have one child or fifteen. Taking care of another human being day in and day out is exhausting. Are you an overwhelmed mom? I know a lot of moms who feel stressed because well, I do and I refuse to believe that I'm the only one and almost every mom in my ... View Post
6 Reasons Why Your Children Don’t Obey You
We all want well behaved, obedient kids, and it's so disheartening and frustrating when they aren't. We're left wringing our hands, wondering why they don't listen to us. Unfortunately, the reasons for our children's disobedience may very well be our own fault. Without realizing it, our actions or ... View Post