I'm sure you know the feeling. Your child gets a cough and your body cringes just listening to it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone found a cure? Until that happens, we just have to let colds run their course, but here are a few simple ways I help my kids feel better while their immune systems ... View Post
Healthy Hand Hygiene Habits for Back-to-School
This post is sponsored by PURELL and Mom It Forward to help families develop healthy hand hygiene habits. Say that 3 times fast! In our home, it is easier said than done. Thanks to the Purell 30 Day Challenge, I discovered an easy way to get my children to wash their hands regularly. One of ... View Post
Develop Health Habits with the PURELL 30 Day Challenge!
Our habits should change with the season. When summer starts to come to an end and children go back to school, germs begin to rear their ugly head. Immune systems are down with the cooler weather and infection spreads rapidly with so many people's children coming into contact with bad ... View Post