I didn't know why I believed in God. I just did. Then I went to Bible college and learned lots of evidences for my faith like the historical reliability of the Bible and how Jesus rose from the dead. Now I know why the resurrection story is essential to the Christian faith. Without it, our faith ... View Post
Top 10 Flash Card Games and DIY Flash Cards
Flash cards aren't boring! Children love them and can learn just about anything with them. It's not necessarily about what you do with the flash cards, but how excited you are to do them with your children. If are delightful and encouraging, your children will request them. ... View Post
Flash Card Musical Chairs
Turn musical chairs into a learning activity by adding flash cards! Do your kids need to get their wiggles out? Put a new twist on an old game. Help your children learn and burn off some energy by playing Flash Card Musical Chairs. This game is so simple, but the kids love it. I watch a 1st ... View Post