On Mother's Day there are two sides of the isle. One is rejoicing for the children they have and the other is mourning for the children they have lost. Of course, there are also Mothers who do both. A fellow blogger and, more importantly, a fellow sister in Christ has experienced that ... View Post
eBundles of Joy for St. Jude
I worry all the time. But until this last pregnancy, my worries were never too serious. Even then, my son was very healthy compared to other premiees in the NICU. I don't know how some parents deal with the stress when their child has a serious condition. I guess they just have to cope because ... View Post
10+ Learning Activities for Babies and Mom’s Library #85
From the moment they enter the world they're soaking up all the info they can. Babies love to learn! Facilitating new experiences, a little time, and a positive attitude is all you need for your curious little one to learn lots! More importantly, you'll be developing a tight bond that will last ... View Post
Baby Shower Giveaway! What’s Your Baby IQ?
The miracle of life; it's easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of our daily tasks. However, nothing reminds us of this blessing more than a newborn baby. Right this minute, as I hold my 5 1/2 pound miracle and look into his eyes, I'm in awe. He's part me, part his father, and part untold ... View Post