The miracle of life; it’s easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of our daily tasks. However, nothing reminds us of this blessing more than a newborn baby.
Right this minute, as I hold my 5 1/2 pound miracle and look into his eyes, I’m in awe. He’s part me, part his father, and part untold potential. How’s it possible that he is the only one that is exactly like him? Amazing!
And to think, I could have lost him. Born premature, there were many factors that could have prevented him from staying with us. Thanks to medical advancements and the caring staff in the NICU, he was given the chance to live a long and happy life.
That’s why my blogging friends and I wanted to celebrate with a mini Baby Shower to benefit Graham’s Foundation. The Graham’s foundation helps parents of preemies by sending care packages, providing resources, and connecting parents.
15 million babies worldwide are born premature. In the US alone, 1 in 9 babies are premature. It never occurred to me that I could have a preemie, but it can happen to anyone. So, if you’ve had a baby or are expecting, prayerfully consider supporting this amazing organization!
What’s Your Baby IQ?
The more knowledge I’ve gained about these tiny humans, the more miracles I have to be thankful for. So, how much do you know about babies? Test your Baby IQ with the questions below and then enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card and a handmade baby gift from Reprezent Creatons in Support of Graham’s Foundation!
To test your knowledge or learn some amazing things about babies, leave your answers in the comments below and come back at the end of the giveaway to get the correct answers!
1. Babies are born with a swimming reflex but it goes away by about what age?
a. 3 weeks b. 4 months c. 1 year d. 18 months
2. A newborn’s head makes up what percent of his body’s length?
a. 25 b. 15 c. 10 d. 50
3. Which of the following things can be determined as early as 10 weeks into a pregnancy?
a. Near or far sighted b. Left or right handed c. Athletic ability d. Hair thickness
4. A baby’s fingerprints appear at how many weeks gestation?
a. 20 b. 14 c. 26 d. 30
5. What can a baby do that an adult can’t?
a. Lick their elbow b. cross their eye and stick out their tongue c. breathe and swallow at the same time d. sneeze with their eyes open (Are you trying each of these like I did? Lol!)
6. When are baby’s physical attributes determined, including gender, hair color, and eye color?
a. conception b. 6 weeks c. 13 weeks d. 20 weeks
7. At how many weeks was the world’s youngest surviving preemie born?
a. 24 b. 23 c. 22 d. 21
8. How many babies are born in the world every second?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
9. In the womb, your baby can smell what you are smelling by…
a. 26 weeks b. 27 weeks c. 28 weeks d. 29 weeks
10. What body part are babies not born with?
a. Elbows b. Kneecaps c. Shoulder Blades d. Tailbone
1. b 2. a 3. b 4.b 5. c 6. a 7. d 8. d 9. c 10. b
The Prizes
Enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a Handmade Lovey from Reprezent Creatons worth $15!
Babies have to be the smartest beings on earth. They come into the world knowing nothing and have to learn everything at the most rapid pace known to man. I would hate to knowingly have to learn everything there is to know about living in that short of time.
This post is not about the giveaway but you need to know the link to this giveaway is wrong from the giveaway promote newletter. I had to google it to find and then search for it. Also there is no comment section without doing a search to find it. This is what I found, hope it is the correct one.
All I can say is love those babies unconditional because that love gets harder when they become teens.
How lovely to have a great giveaway like this. I see others are having problems with links or something?
Well, I am entering here, and yes babies are our future.
I have big time baby fever!
Babies are adorable!
Love my sweet babies!
Why do babies have to grow up so quickly? I swear we were just in the hospital having our son and now he is 9 months old today 🙂
I love babies and we have a lot of them in my family right now.They bring joy to our lives.
Stephanie Mago-Eagle recently posted…We are excited to be watching The Voice this season on NBC! Season 6 premieres Monday,02/24. 8/7c Rating: TV-PG.#TheVoice #FamilyTVNight #TwitterParty
My baby is 7 months old, she crawls and just starting sitting up on her own. I have 2 boys as well ages 2 and 4 love all my babies 🙂
Babies are a hand full!
I have friends who are expecting so i am learning a lot about babies!
1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. c, 6. a, 7. a, 8. b, 9. d, 10. d
I love babies
Babies are amazing! I’ve had three of my own and my family just welcomed a new little girl and in July, we’re getting a new baby boy- yay!
Love me some babies!!! 🙂
I think they are smarter than we realize.
I think babies are the most amazing of all age groups because of how much they learn and take everything in. If you want to teach your baby something like a second language or to swim, etc. a baby is the best age to do so.
My neighbor’s daughter just had a baby one week ago today and he is adorable and already sleeping 4 hours a night! I just love babies and how they smell; kinda like puppies, I love puppies too! <3
I’m expecting our first and the quiz made me realize how much I don’t know yet! EEK!
Babies amaze me. My son is 9 months old and everyday he does something new and I realize hes the best thing that ever happened to me
I donated $1 but I don’t know what to put in the box for “Your word”; any suggestions?
It just means that you promise 🙂
Babies make me happy. They are adorable.
Babies are so adorable! Thanks for the fun quiz!
great article, fascinating facts about babies.
We’re expecting our fifth baby, and we’re so excited. We love babies!
I didn’t know most of the answers and I am 25 weeks pregnant with our second child. Thanks for sharing that interesting info, i look forward to seeing the answers
my baby boy will be a year old later this month! and my sisters baby girl will be four months soon so i am happy they will grow up together
Awesome facts! I didn’t know the answers to most of the questions! Congratulations on your newest family addition!
It’s amazing at how much you pick up about babies naturally when you have one. Then you tend to forget just about everything as soon as they hit toddler stage! LOL
I just had a baby, so it was fun to see how much of this I knew!
I love babies!
Babies are a true gift from God. I have been lucky enough to have 4 of them. 3 girls and 1 boy.
My baby is going to start Kindergarten this September. They grow way too fast. Good thing I have a nephew due in May, so I can still enjoy the baby stage through being an aunt.
I am currently expecting my first child, and I am excited and nervous for this baby! Ready to learn a lot though!
Love the trivia. Brings back memories of nursing school!
I love babies so much! I have three of them so I was disappointed that I did so poorly on the quiz. Thanks for the information!
I love babies. I hope my wife and I get picked by a birthmother to adopt her infant.
b a b c a a c b a d
Babies are miracles and I’m in awe of how they develop.
Missy Frye recently posted…6 of My Favorite Biographies
Babies are God’s way of reminding us of His Love
Babies are wonderful and simply amazing!
I really enjoyed the Baby IQ Test. I’ll be coming back for the answers.
I have a lot of friends expecting so I would love to give this as a present!
Babies have the power to turn adults into mush!!!
I just love babies… there smile n laughs.. the way they smell.. there little fingers n toes… all the sounds they makes… watching them learn n grow… the love n joy they bring to ur life…
Babies are so sweet but grandbabies are even sweeter.
Kathy Fleming recently posted…Penny Suppers – Broccoli Greens, Bacon and Yellow Rice
I just became a first time Mom so I’m learning all about babies for the first time, myself.
I just love babies!!! I wish I’d started having them sooner!! 🙂
Laura Reynolds recently posted…Slow Cooker Black Beans
1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c, 6-a, 7-d, 8-d, 9-a, 10-d
I think babies are God’s precious gift.
what a beautiful baby tag blanket! great blog post & giveaway!
1. Babies are born with a swimming reflex but it goes away by about what age?
b. 4 months
2. A newborn’s head makes up what percent of his body’s length?
a. 25
3. Which of the following things can be determined as early as 10 weeks into a pregnancy?
b. Left or right handed
4. A baby’s fingerprints appear at how many weeks gestation?
b. 14
5. What can a baby do that an adult can’t?
c. breathe and swallow at the same time
6. When are baby’s physical attributes determined, including gender, hair color, and eye color?
a. conception
7. At how many weeks was the world’s youngest surviving preemie born?
d. 21
8. How many babies are born in the world every second?
d. 4
9. In the womb, your baby can smell what you are smelling by…
c. 28 weeks
10. What body part are babies not born with?
b. Kneecaps
Babies are so amazing to watch grow. They seem to develop and change daily.
I think this is awesome for babies, it should be everywhere.
I’m so happy for you and your new precious baby =) I’m sure the big kids are loving it too!
I love babies!
babies are cute
Babies bring out the best in us.. they make us human 🙂
Reshama recently posted…I Am Abraham Lincoln
Babies are the sweetest! Precious gifts:)
I am so happy that your baby is happy and healthy! I’ve got a little bit of baby fever, but my sister just had her first baby so I can just get my baby fever out on her beautiful new baby 🙂
Thanks for the fun quiz!
Congrats on your baby! What a cutie! My first baby was premature (35 weeks and 2 days) and I’m on bed rest now with my second after having gone into preterm labor at 25 weeks and 3 days, so this one is likely to be a preemie as well. It’s scary but it’s amazing how many great organizations and bloggers and genuinely nice human beings are out there to support and help women like us! I’m trying to give a little of the love back so I wrote a blog post called “10 Tips to Survive Bed Rest” because as easy as it sounds to lay on the couch all day, it’s harder than people think. I hope it can help anyone reading this, or feel free to share with anyone you know in a similar situation!
I am never surprised when I learn just how amazing babies are and at such a young age. they are truly a blessing in our lives.
All babies are born with the capability of learning. And a healthy, happy baby is like a sponge in terms of the knowledge they can absorb! It’s so important to smile & reward a baby for its learning, and continue to allow the baby to learn for years & years. And reading to your little one is one of the most important ways to interact with your baby & allow them to learn!
i love the sound of a newborn’s cry
There’s nothing better than the smell of a baby’s head — honestly I think it does something to a woman’s hormones that makes her want more! 🙂
Monica Platz recently posted…Gamer’s (Xbox One or PS4) Choice Giveaway! Ends 3/25
Babies are true miracles. Their love is unconditional.
I LOVE babies! And my daughter is now a toddler and I am thinking of baby #2 possibly….. Just love them! Thanks so much for the post and giveaway!!! Good Luck To All!!!
1-B, 2-D, 3-D, 4-A, 5-C, 6-A, 7-D, 8-C, 9-A, 10-D
We’re through with the baby stages in our house and I’m starting to feel sad.
I’m sure my answers will not be right, but I refuse to google them! =)
1-b; 2-a; 3-b; 4-a; 5-c; 6-a; 7-c; 8-b; 9-a; 10-b
I have a six month old baby, babies are so sweet. 🙂 I’d love to win this, I never was able to have a baby shower- so this would really make my day. Thanks for the chance!
Babies are amazing and way smarter than we even think we are learning more and more each day about them.
I love babies they are simply adorable! wish I could turn back time to when my kids were still babies.
Minta Boggs recently posted…Purex Dial Vitamin Body Wash – Review and Giveaway!!
1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c,6-a, 7-d, 8-c, 9-b, 10-b
i have had 5 babies, i love the smell newborns have
Love my sweet grandbabies!!!
I LOVE the newborn/first few weeks stage. They’re so incredibly soft and sweet and they smell like heaven!
Babies are a gift from God!
Tonya recently posted…Spring Break in Colorado?? YES!! Glen Eden Resort!
Babies are an amazing gift from God
Why do babies have to grow up so quickly?
Babies are amazing, truly little miracles.
It’s awesome to watch them grow, learn and explore everything for the first time.
I have had 7 babies and they are such a blessing
Cindy Miner recently posted…Why My Kids Love Homeschooling
babies are proof of unconditional love.
Babies should never be told to stop crying. If a baby is crying, there is usually a reason. They usually are in need of something. Babies require unconditional love and patience.
sarah walker recently posted…Product To Review: Sprout Cups
Babies are such a blessing…truly a gift from God.
I love babies, I have a one year old and expecting another one in August
I just found out that my little cousin who I babysat when he was a baby is expecting his first child with his wife! Makes me feel not so young, but I am so excited for them!
Babies are irresistible!
I am expecting a grandchild in June. I of course love babies but this one will be so special
Love babies
I love babies. I wish I could have more (my youngest is now 8).
Babies are a gift, period. I too have a son, who is my world. I had many scary moments of not knowing if he would make it or not. I am grateful everyday that I get to be his Mommy!
You can never love anyone more than your babies!
I Love Babys!!
Babies are beautiful, innocent, and are our hopes for the future.
Tammy Woodall recently posted…Why My Kids Love Homeschooling
I do love my little guy a whole awful lot. Before we had him, I used to worry that I wouldn’t be able to love him. Everyone told me not to worry that I indeed would love my son more than I could have ever imagined loving someone. When he was born, I didn’t feel that instant connection with him and have that overwhelming feeling of love happen. It happened gradually over that first year and a half. Like many relationships. It took me a long time to really fall in love with my son and I am glad it did! Everyone was right, I had no reason to worry. Our relationship is so strong now and I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life. Such a blessing motherhood is!
Babies are fun to cuddle!
When babies smile….all is right with the world.
babyes are cute i have baby nephews and one is gonna born soon i lovve babyes are the cutest and adorable thing in this world
i hope i win
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.D
tracey barfield recently posted…Why My Kids Love Homeschooling
Babies are so much smarter than people give them credit for. I have had lots of experience. I have four children, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with mine. Thank you for the giveaway.
Each & every baby is a unique miracle of life. Each one has their own personality, thoughts & potential to do great things in their future. They should be treasured & nurtured daily. Each day is glorious watching them learn & grow into their own but they always carry a part of you inside them
I believe that babies have a potential for a high IQ.
Babies make everything better!
When babies smile, it makes you want to smile too.
1. Babies are born with a swimming reflex but it goes away by about what age?
a. 3 weeks
2. A newborn’s head makes up what percent of his body’s length?
a. 25
3. Which of the following things can be determined as early as 10 weeks into a pregnancy?
b. Left or right handed
4. A baby’s fingerprints appear at how many weeks gestation?
a. 20
5. What can a baby do that an adult can’t?
c. breathe and swallow at the same time
6. When are baby’s physical attributes determined, including gender, hair color, and eye color?
a. conception
7. At how many weeks was the world’s youngest surviving preemie born?
d. 21
8. How many babies are born in the world every second?
d. 4
9. In the womb, your baby can smell what you are smelling by…
c. 28 weeks
10. What body part are babies not born with?
b. Kneecaps
babies are adorable and sweet
It is amazing how babies are born with the knowledge needed to survive.
Babies are adorable! every baby is a unique miracle of life
Babies are so special and are a gift from God! My babies have made me a better person!!
Christina Howell recently posted…Potty Training Tips
Babies are smarter than most give them credit for!
I love babies, and watching them grow. I’ve been blessed to have three of my own and hope to have some more. 🙂
My babies are my greatest life’s achievement.
I love babies. My kids are grown, 29 & 21.
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. B
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. B
After 4 kids you would think I would know the answer to most of these questions. I predict that I only got about 1/2 right. I can’t wait to find out how I did on the quiz.
all babies are a blessing
Those are hard questions! My guesses are:
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.B
Babies are adorable! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
DESIGN AND CANINES recently posted…Shadowbox for Dance Memories
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B
I wonder what the age of the youngest baby being born is, I was delivered when my mom was only 5 1/2 months pregnant!
I knew none of the answers, but then I’ve never been around babies very much.
Thanks for the contest.
My baby is not a baby anymore–she’s almost 17 months old and keeps me on my toes constantly!
the quiz is actually pretty amusing! 🙂 i really enjoy the little baby stage… that may be why i have #2 due this week!
All of you who have babies should count your blessings, I’ve tried, and it’s not happening for us. Be grateful for your little cuties!
My daughter turns 5mo on the 10th and im really sad about it. Time went by too fast 🙁
Babies are amazing, they change and learn so much everyday. Its surprising how different they are day to day. Its a joy to be able to watch that process as a mother.
It is so amazing how much babies learn and grow in the first year of their life. I never get tired of watching that miracle.
quiz answers: 1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-a, 7-c, 8-d, 9-c. 10-b
Babies smell good 🙂
baby is the core of all this world so we must focus what learning shall we get him
I believe babies are born with a lot more instincts than we realize.
my step daughter is having her second baby very soon
I have 4 kids all different ages but they will always b my babies!
Babies change your life!
Babies are the best!
Ok, I’m being totally honest here…I didn’t know the answer to any of the questions 🙁 But hoping to win for my new baby!!
Babies are an amazing gift from God!
I am blown away by some of the things in the baby IQ test! Haha. I definitely did not know most of those facts!
My daughter is expecting her first child in June, I will be sharing this post with her also! Thanks!
a a b a d a a c c d…probably all wrong lol
mine was low…but I don’t have kids yet
Babies are a blessing from God! They are so precious and I wish everyone would just love them and not find them a burden.
Babies are such a joy to have around!
Jasmine P recently posted…Brush Whiten GO! with Colgate Optic White
I love this blog, thanks for sharing!
Babies are such a precious gift from God :)They are our Angels on earth 🙂