When I’m looking for a Preschool App for my kids it can be hard to narrow it down. There are so many that do all different things. That’s why I’m excited to tell you about the new Joy Sprouts Preschool App and how you can get it for free as part of a sponsored post. All opinions of the app are my own.
With Joy Sprouts, your preschooler will have access to multiple apps inside the Joy Sprouts platform. They conveniently call them sprouts.
Each sprout focuses on 5 different developmental skills that all children need to react appropriately to the world around them. Those skills are; language, physical, social, cognitive, and approaches. They call it “Total Development”.
Preschool Learning App
There are so many apps out there to cover the basics; colors, shapes, numbers, letters, etc. Joy Sprouts is different because it covers a wider variety of subjects while touching on things that other apps don’t.
Children will use critical thinking skills, problem solving, matching, one-to-one correspondence and more to answer the questions within the apps. Some sprouts allow for more freedom. That means the children get to choose what the characters in the app will do, like in the “That’s My Job” app with Garfield as the main character.
Other sprouts are more like storybook apps where children are led through a story and interact with the environment and solve problems based on what is happening, like in the “My Dad” app.
My daughter really enjoyed these two apps a lot! It is the first app that she wants to play when she has screen time. The best thing about it is the variety of activities and skills she is learning all from just one app.
Get the Joy Sprouts Preschool App Free!
You can get the Joy Sprouts app absolutely FREE! Just click here to download the $9.99 app from the iTunes app store. Then tweet out this message:
I downloaded @JoySprouts. It’s our new favorite #homeschool app! #ihsnet http://bit.ly/1whJaub
Joy Sprout will then give you a full refund via paypal. If you have any trouble with this, you can always contact support at support@joysprouts.com
Don’t forget to follow Joy Sprouts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Youtube for more information on Preschool development and new Sprouts!
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