Help Your Kids Develop a Growth Mindset
Given the current circumstances, we can likely understand more than ever why it is important to prepare kids to be able to face challenges. Developing a growth mindset can help kids feel more confident, positive, and resilient. This piece discusses what a growth mindset is, how it can be beneficial, tips for helping kids develop a growth mindset, and printable resources to start encouraging a growth mindset.
What are the benefits of a growth mindset?
A growth mindset can help kids fall in love with learning and feel more motivated to continue on their educational path. Additionally, a growth mindset can help kids:
- Cope better with transitions
- Reduce stress
- Understand their emotions
- View challenges as opportunities
- Recognize their strengths
- Set goals and create action plans
- Develop independence
- Become more productive
- Think more positively
- Become more resilient
- Focus on the process instead of only the end goal
Tips for helping kids develop a growth mindset
There are a number of ways to help kids develop a growth mindset. Know that developing a growth mindset is an ongoing process, and it may be more challenging for some kids to grasp than others. Try to remain positive and encourage an open dialogue. Here are some additional tips for encouraging a growth mindset in kids:
- Set reasonable expectations
- Applaud effort
- Help them create and stick to a routine to promote productivity and independence
- Allow them to struggle and problem solve
- Encourage them to think creatively
- Help them identify and work through their emotions
- Set a strong, consistent example
3 printables to encourage a growth mindset
Making this process as interesting and enjoyable as possible is important. These printables from Tommy John can help your kids feel excited about working on developing a growth mindset. The following printables include an emotional grid exercise, goal setting worksheet, and growth mindset conversation cube. All three can be downloaded at the end of the post.
1. Emotion Grid Exercise
Use this printable to help your kids identify their emotions and understand how different situations make them feel. This exercise can enable them to express and moderate their feelings in a healthy, productive way.
2. Goal Setting Worksheet
Use this printable to help your kids create goals. Help them understand what they want to achieve and what steps they will need to take to accomplish their goal. Teaching kids that goals can be achieved consistently with hard work will help them continue to set and work toward goals in the future.
3. Growth Midset Conversation Cube
Use this printable to help your kids create a conversation cube. Each side has a question prompt that can spark a conversation. This exercise can teach kids to think critically and develop self-awareness. Helping kids gain a better understanding of themselves can help them make better decisions and grow.
Download all of these printable activities below to set your kids up for success by helping them develop a growth mindset.
Shelar Academy says
Agree with the overall pointers mentioned in the blogpost.
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