You don’t know how to speak Spanish, so how are your kids going to learn? You can homeschool Spanish the easy way, with fun games, themed lessons, and a variety of techniques.
This post is sponsored by Spanish for You. For more information, please read my full disclosure.
Spanish is in the top three languages spoken around the world. With more and more people having the ability to speak this language, you can give your children the skills to communicate in any situation by teaching them this popular language too. Your children are going to love learning spanish if you choose the right curriculum to make it fun and easy.
Homeschool Spanish the Easy Way
To homeschool Spanish, you need a simple and affordable curriculum that requires no extra prep. If you are a homeschooler, you’ll need to be able to teach multiple ages and skill levels. If you don’t know anything about the language, you’ll also need your curriculum to come with audio so your children know how to properly pronounce the words. You’ll find all of these features in Spanish for You themed curriculum packages!
Spanish for You was created by Debbie Annett who has taught Spanish to children of all ages for 17 years! She wanted to create an easy way for anyone to teach her program at home easily and affordably.
Her Spanish curriculum is specifically for grades 3 to 8, but can easily be adjusted for different abilities. The year-long packages are themed so instead of completing levels, students progress by completing the themes.
You are going to love the Spanish for You curriculum. It will have you learning the language right along with your children! Here are the features that homeschool parents are so excited about:
- fun and easy lessons
- reusable materials
- flexible to use with different ages
- affordable – just $39.95 for the school year
- comes with audio for the entire text
- interactive activities
- children learn how the language works
Buy any Mi vida, Conversaciones, or Viajes themed packages and get the set of 5 supplemental songs for whichever theme you order free with the code: bluemanorfreesongs valid through April 2017. $8.99 value. Be sure to add the songs to your cart.
My wife and I moved with our kids to Costa Rica several years ago so that we could all learn Spanish as a family. Unfortunately, we were only able to stay for six months. My oldest (a girl) has kept up with the language, but my boys have not shown any interest.
It’s great to have resources like these, but I wish we knew how to motivate our boys to learn Spanish. Learning a second language (especially one as high in demand as Spanish) would be valuable for anyone, and it’s easier to do as a young child.
We’ll have to see if we can make learning Spanish a priority again.
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