Everyone has had a bad day. One of those, spilled-coffee-in-your-lap, baby’s-diaper-leaked-3-times-before-breakfast, car-doesn’t-start kind of days can really put you in a foul mood. But what if you were shown a little appreciation that day? Wouldn’t it lift your spirits and make life’s little mishaps less of a burden?
This month start a new tradition and teach your children one of the most important values you can. Try making these simple DIY thank you cards as a family and show appreciation to people in your community.
Simple DIY Thank You Cards
Cardstock or pre-folded cards
Different colored scrapbooking/construction paper or washi tape
Regular scissors and edgers
Coloring supplies
It’s crazy how easy these are to make! First, if you’re using a full sheet of cardstock, fold it in half with the short edge together. Cut the sheet in half and fold it in half again on the short edge to make your card.
Next, have your children cut long strips of different colored paper and use kraft edgers to make a decorative cut on one end of the strips. To make this even easier, you could cut lots of strips ahead of time and just have your children do the decorative edge.
Glue the strips with the straight edge lined up with the top of the card. To make this part even easier, you could use washi tape!
You can print these free “Thanks” tags by downloading the template below. Cut them out ahead of time or have your children help.
Glue the tags over your paper strip collage and Voila! Heat up some hot chocolate and make a bunch with the whole family.
Now that you have your cards, make sure you put some in your bag. When you are out and about this month, have your children give the cards to people in the community like your waiter, cashier, or someone who says something nice to them at the store.
You could also plan a special delivery to the fire or police station; even the family doctor. These little gestures of thanks go a long way in making someone’s day better and instilling values in your children!
The Giving Thanks November Family Challenge
How are you giving thanks as a family? We would love to hear about it! Please leave a comment or grab a button and link up below. You can also send me a picture of your idea and I will post it to my facebook page.
Need more inspiration? Follow the Gift of Giving Pinerest board with tons of ideas to help you teach your children how amazing it feels to give to others.
Follow The Gift of Giving by Janine, TrueAimEducation.com on Pinterest
The Family Network
<div align="center"><a href="https://www.trueaimeducation.com/2013/10/diy-thank-you-cards.html" title="christian parenting and education" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.trueaimeducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/family-challenge.jpg" alt="christian parenting and education" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Play with Your Family
Fun on a Dime
Serene is My Name Not My Life
LDS Parenting
Mom to Three Babies
Lori @ A Bright and Beautiful Life says
Good for you!!! You’re teaching your children something that seems to be almost lost ~ giving/sending out thank you cards. What a great idea to keep some in the car or some other handy place to hand out spontaneously to make someones day. And what child wouldn’t want to give out a cute card that he/she personally made? Would you be willing to share this post and any of your other great ones at our Making Monday link party? We would love it and think our readers will, too. Thanks. Have a fantastic week. http://www.abrightandbeautifullife.com/making-monday-12/
Sheila @ Pennies of Time says
What a great post and a fun chance to link up! Will be coming back through the month to check out the other ideas shared. Thanks for sharing at Magic Moments Monday!
Sheila @ Pennies of Time recently posted…Act of Kindness for Our Neighbors: A Gift of Gratitude
Tom Morris says
Thanks for sharing a inspiring blog with us and making a handmade thank you card will value more to a person instead of printed one. The best part of presenting thank you card, or any greeting card makes the person cherished and cards can be kept safe for along as much you want. I found cherished memories providing the ultimate cards.
Susen says
I love the idea of kids making the thank you cards. A great way to teach children the importance of showing thanks not only during Thanksgiving but all year round.
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