All parents want their children to enjoy learning, but often this isn’t the case. Just getting the day’s schoolwork done becomes a chore that neither mom nor the kids want to do. Yet, as homeschool moms you have to push through because you’re responsible for your children’s education and you don’t want them being illiterate on top of being “unsocialized”.
What is a homeschool mom to do when her kids dread school each day and she longs to pull the covers over her head to avoid the very same thing her kids are dreading?
Children love to learn. Every. Single. Child. Yet, learning looks different for each child. You can not expect your oldest to learn just like your youngest and vice versa. They are both unique with different strengths and weaknesses. As a homeschool mom you need to recognize these truths and embrace them. These truths will set you free.
Bring Back the Love of Learning to Your Homeschool
Letting your children lead their education will bring back the love of learning to your homeschool. The joy you remember seeing in their eyes and the smiles that brighten their faces will return when you hand over the reigns.
It will be scary at first, there will be times that you question whether or not this is the right step, but each time you hear them tell you about what they learned in school today you’ll know without a doubt that it is what they needed. When you let your children lead their education you give them wings!
It’s important that you take time to discover what your children actually want to learn about, then you can gently guide them throughout their educational journey. Once you know what topic/subject they are interested in, you begin gathering homeschool resources, videos, books, crafts, projects, printables and more to teach them all about it! When your children lead their education you don’t cease from being involved, you become more involved and more passionate to feed their desire to learn and grow!
When we first began the journey to a child led homeschooling method, I was terrified and it took me almost 3 years to take the leap. Looking back I wish I had done it sooner, I know my children would have loved learning much more had they led their own educations for the last 3 years. I’m thankful that I found my inspiration and that we’ve begun this new part of our homeschooling journey.
My children are thrilled that this year they get to learn all about things that interest them and I can’t wait to hear all about it and watch them grow leaps and bounds above what they have been already!
How often do you let your children decide what they want to learn about in your homeschool?
I love this, we just started making this transition at our house!
That’s awesome! My kids are loving it so far this year and it is making it easier to have them complete their lessons for Math and English because the rest of their day is full of what they’ve chosen to learn about this year! Many blessings on your homeschool year! 🙂
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