Babies seem so fragile. I remember shuddering when the pediatrician at the hospital handled my first child so seemingly careless. After having 3 more children, I now know that doctor was experienced, not trying to harm my baby. He knew how strong newborns really are. I'm not saying you ... View Post
TogetherBox Review & Giveaway: Glow Activities!
When we get together for family fun it's usually for a board game or movie.. Those are some of the best times filled with my most cherished memories. So when I received my first TogetherBox I was blown away by the all the creative activities inside. It led to the funnest family night we've ever ... View Post
5 Indoor Physical Activities for Kids!
Boing, boing, boing; that's the sound of my kids bouncing off the walls. If your kids have a lot of energy like mine do, you know that a bad weather day can make everyone miserable. Helping them burn off energy is essential to keeping them happy and healthy, but how do you do it when you are stuck ... View Post
Teaching Children About Courage: Disney Planes Movie Night
These activities to teach courage were inspired by Disney Planes and a sponsored post for Collective Bias®. Even though she didn't know how to swim, my 2-year-old walked over to the pool and jumped in! I wasn't even close to her and had to swim like an Olympian to pull her up! As she came out ... View Post