I am tired of hearing that spanking is child abuse. This un-Biblical viewpoint seems to be growing in popularity, with some states even setting out to ban the discipline method altogether. So called "child psychologists" quote unnamed, vague studies that claim to "scientifically prove spanking is ... View Post
School Tracking Children?
Apparently, a Texas school district is demanding kids wear radio chips to help school officials track them. School officials say the chips will help them fight truancy and in doing so increase the districts funding. I am not sure how I feel about this one. I can understand the purpose, but still ... View Post
Delaware Trashes Parental Rights!
It appears Delaware just passed a law that would essentially criminalize parents who spank their children. So I have to ask, "What is more harmful to children: a well-deserved swat on the behind from loving parents, or the "authorities" depriving those same children of the emotional and financial ... View Post
How is This Possible?
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