This argument against homeschooling is so dumb I would have ignored it altogether, except it keeps rearing its stupid head. Let me give you an abbreviated version of a conversation I have had several times: Me: Bob, I homeschool because I don't want my children exposed to the drugs, sex ... View Post
A Teacher who taught me to Cheat!
It was quite the dilemma. Was my teacher really telling me to cheat? Mrs. Kristen had sent us home with a few very hard questions for homework. "But the answers aren't in the book," I protested. That is when she recommended that I go copy a friend's homework? I was having trouble wrapping my ... View Post
Learning Styles: Debunked!
When I first started teaching I was all about "learning styles." You know, the seven learning categories ALL children fall into: Visual, Aural, Verbal, Physical, Logical, Social, and Solitary. Perhaps in some alternate universe, the "learning style theory" may actually enhance learning, but that ... View Post
A Question Homeschoolers NEVER ask.
Growing up my father was big on eating dinner together. When we did find time to do it, he always asked that classic question, "How was your day, today?" Our most popular responses were, "Same old, same old," "Boring," and "OK." This never satisfied my father and he would pry until my siblings ... View Post