In my entire life thus far, I've never met a mom who has uttered the words, “My kids simply do NOT have enough toys!” I don’t think I ever will either because at one time or another, every mom I know has experienced the frustration of teaching their children to clean up after themselves and only ... View Post
DIY Family Photo Board Tutorial
I am so excited to share this cute DIY wood decor project with you. It's easy, inexpensive, and doesn't take long at all! Not only that, but it requires no power tools for those of you who would rather not venture there. I chose the word "FAMILY" to display across the stained wood ... View Post
Learning Gratitude Activities for Kids and Free Printables
The holidays are a wonderful time of giving and spending quality time with loved ones. Just one thing concerns me; the presence of doting grandparents, aunts and uncles often bring out a sense of entitlement in my children. They just love all those presents they receive from relatives! Toddlers ... View Post
$5 Dinner: Healthy Sweet and Sour Stir Fry
I try to feed my family healthy whole foods for the most part, but it's usually so expensive that I have to pick and choose what to compromise. This is why I was determined this week to come up with a healthy, balanced recipe for about $1/serving. This Brown Rice Stir Fry recipe is versatile, ... View Post