Scrambled and boiled is what I do most. But sometimes it’s fun to make eggs in a basket. You can make all different shapes with cookie cutters or try to carve out your own. They also make eating eggs as easy as eating toast. Which is great for my toddler!
I save this recipe for special times, like holidays or a birthday breakfast. With the help of your kids, this is really quick and fun to make!
Eggs in a Basket
6 Pieces of Bread
2-3 Eggs
1-2 Tablespoons Milk
Fresh or Dried Herbs
Salt and Pepper
Pre-heat griddle to 350°. Then, have your children pick different cookie cutters to cut shapes into the bread. Make sure they cut in the middle and turn the bread over and cut again to make sure that the shape is totally cut through.
Next, have them butter the bread on all sides while you mix up the eggs. I put the eggs and milk in a liquid measuring cup so I can pour it into the bread molds easily. Mix in whatever herbs that you like. You could also try adding green onion and red bell pepper.
Place your bread on the hot griddle and hold it down while you pour in the egg mixture. Let the eggs set a little before you let go of the bread to make sure that the eggs don’t run out all over the bottom. Season with salt and pepper. It would be fun to make a little face on the animal or people shapes with veggies. I like to add a little bit of Parmesan cheese on ours after the eggs cook for a couple of minutes.
Cook for 4-5 minutes or until the eggs look set, but still slightly wet. Turn and cook for 1-2 minutes more. Season again with salt and pepper.
Sometimes the eggs run out a little on the bottom, but just serve shape side up with the matching shape toast. Aren’t they fun!?
How do you make eggs fun for your kids? Please leave a comment!
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I love this! I have to do this with my kiddos soon!
Kristin recently posted…Tips and Tricks Tuesday #13 and call for co-hosts
What a great idea! JDaniel would love to help pick out the cookie cutters we would use.
JDaniel4’s Mom recently posted…Acorn Math Activities
I tried this a while back and mine oozed all over! lol Featured you this week!
Ashley Moore recently posted…Food Fun at Mom’s Library
i like all post and nice this blog.
i like all post and nice this blog…
I’m gonna try with my kids. They love these fun to make recipes.