Spring is just around the corner and I can’t wait! I love all of the colors that appear outside my window, the warmth of the sun on my face and the smell of nature beginning life fresh and new! There is one more reason that I love spring, I love spring cleaning! During the long winter months I feel like everything gets stashed in the house, I don’t want to deep clean because it is too cold outside to get rid of things and so, the house ends up cluttered by winter’s end. Once the warmth is back in our days, that is when spring cleaning begins!
Just because I love spring cleaning doesn’t mean that I actually HAVE time to get it done, that is far from the truth. After all, I’m a work from home, homeschooling mom who also runs a family business. My time always seems to run short, but I HAVE to make time for spring cleaning because the house needs it…and I need it. I love a clean house. I hate clutter. I need spring cleaning, no matter how busy I may be it has to be done.
As a busy mom I love finding tips to help me get things done in a timely and efficient manner without sacrificing the quality of work. To help you start planning for your spring cleaning, I’m going to share a few tips to help you through the process!
- Prioritize
Decide what room you need to start with, it may be the most cluttered, the room you spend the most time in or the room you do your best not to enter. After you’ve selected your first room to start with, prioritize the cleaning of your other rooms and spaces in the same manner.
- Schedule
Pick a start date and an end date for your spring cleaning. By setting up a time frame you’ll find that you are more apt to work diligently and not get sidetracked throughout your spring cleaning process. You may find that some rooms or projects that you longer than you anticipated, when that happens you can simply adjust your end date accordingly.
- Brainstorm
Start a list of projects that need to be tackled while you’re spring cleaning, do this for each room in your home. Think outside of the box, look beyond the dirty floor, sticky windows and cluttered shelves, figure out what has not been used in that room in the past 6 months, get rid of things that just don’t fit your family anymore and determine what could be changed to make each room work better for your family.
That last step can become a “Honey Let’s Do This List”, I like to work on projects for my home too, so I don’t hand out a “Honey Do List”. We work on projects for our home both together and separately, if the toilet handle needs to be replaced I can do it just as easily as he can, all it took was me trying and it was really easy!
If you like to use checklists, you’ll find a simple set of spring cleaning checklists here that can help get you started.
- Assignments
If you’re a busy mom you don’t live in a house alone, so you shouldn’t be spring cleaning alone! Once you’ve made your list of spring cleaning projects, it is time to start assigning them to members of your family. Even your toddlers can help put trash in a trash can, your preschoolers can put markers and toys where they belong, older children can help with dusting, cleaning windows, making beds and much more! Spring cleaning is a great opportunity to teach your kids life skills that they will need throughout their entire lives!
Spring cleaning can be a daunting task, but it brings about peace and joy once the job is complete! You and your family will be thrilled at the cleanliness of your home after you’ve finished your spring cleaning. Your kids may not understand that spring cleaning can bring peace and joy into your home and even themselves before you start, but once it is done they will understand completely!
What is your best busy mom tip for tackling spring cleaning?
Smart tips. Almost everybody is busy with their decorations they sometimes forget these.
Spring is the perfect time to scrub, sweep and store away your winter woes for another year!
Hey, thanks a lot! How do you clean the outside of your house windows? Any life hacks? 🙂