Today I am sharing a fun fine motor activity for your preschooler: pumpkin patch size match!
For this activity you will need:
- Brown, green and orange felt
- Orange pompoms of different sizes
- A glue gun or fabric glue
- Tweezers
Cut orange felt “pumpkins’ that match the size of the pompoms. Glue it down randomly onto the felt ‘pumpkin patch’. Add stems.
Cut a strip of green grass and glue down too. Easy!
Let your child use tweezers(or pegs) to place the pompom ‘pumpkins’ on the right spot, thus matching the size of the pompom to the size of the cut pumpkin.
Extend this activity to counting the pumpkins, and even do simple math equations! For example, add 2 pumpkins, ask your child how many pumpkins are left. Or add all the pumpkins and take some away, asking how many pumpkins are left etc.
Place this activity in a small container or bag and use it as a busy bag activity while traveling!
You might like to see these fun fine motor activities too:
40 Fine Motor Activities
Rainbow Words
Fine Motor Play with Recyclables
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