Thank you Fender for sponsoring this post. Learn guitar at home with Fender Play.
We are a pretty musical family, with some singers and two pianists. But, none of us play any stringed instrument, so we were excited to try learning to play the guitar! Before this, we had no knowledge about anything guitar.
Learning to Play Guitar with Fender Play
Lili tried learning to play guitar for about a month. Through Fender Play, she was able to learn the basics of guitar, including proper technique and finger placement.
To get started with Fender Play, you follow a Path. Their paths are Rock, Blues, Folk, Country, and Pop. Each path has the option for Acoustic and Electric. Lili tried the Rock path. The first lesson was how guitars work, how to use an amp correctly, how to tune your guitar.
She enjoyed the visual aspect of lessons, but felt some lessons (especially the beginner, beginner ones) were hard to follow at times. Having had no experience with guitar before, she felt some of the initial lessons (on how to actually play the guitar) were rushed.
After the first few basic lessons, the program went quickly into how to play songs. For those who have a basic knowledge of how the guitar works, Fender Play has tutorials for many popular songs. Genres include rock, blues, pop, folk, and country. From Coldplay and Meghan Trainor to Johnny Cash, songs are rated on a difficulty level of 1-3. This is where Fender Play really shines, especially for those with a basic knowledge of guitar, since each tutorial walks you through the chords and riffs for each song.
Additionally, each song has Skills. For example, for the song “Viva La Vida” by Coldplay, we learn the four chords used are C, D, G, and Em. The skills learned through the song are chord anticipation, palm muting, and syncopated strumming.
Being a complete beginner at all things musical, Lili felt some of the song portions were rushed, as they would often just say the chord name, without expanding. Of course, I guess this could easily be solved with steady repetition of notes and lessons, and this wouldn’t be a problem for those with a working knowledge of guitar.
Fender Play is definitely a high quality program for learning to play guitar. Each lesson includes clear voices and picture. Its digital format is especially helpful for busy families and homeschoolers, and its self-led pace is convenient and focuses more on skills mastered than trying to fulfill a schedule. Those completely new to guitar will need some supplements, but those who know the basics and who want to begin learning how to play songs will love Fender Play! Sign up for a 30 Day FREE trial today!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Hey Samantha, Firstly i want to thanking you because of this nice experience between us. I was really very tensed about playing song via my guitar, but from today this tension goes to my foot. Anyway tomorrow will sign up in Fender Play. And i’m really excited to hear this news 30 days trial for first time.
Hello Samantha, as a guitar fan I always love to see how beginners are enjoying when they try to play different tune and songs. It reminds me of my days in the beginning.
Oh wow, had actually never heard before about Fender play. Thanks for giving the breakdown! Seems like online courses are the way to go nowadays. Gotta get my two cousins on this, they would really dig the “rock” path. God bless Samantha!
– Christy
Amazing, Soulful Performance; she looks great!
Good post. I’ve been using Fender Play for a while (as well as their Fender Tune app).
Just having a structured learning path helps so much with what you should be working on. Otherwise I’d still be watching random YouTube tutorials and noodling around.
Fender Play is definitely a valuable resource to have in your toolkit.
Oh wow, had actually never heard before about Fender play. Thanks for giving the breakdown! Seems like online courses are the way to go nowadays. I Gotta get my two cousins on this, they would really dig the rock path. God bless Samantha
Hello Samantha, as a guitar fan I always love to see how beginners are enjoying when they try to play different tune and also play some different songs.
I really enjoyed reading your blog post about learning to play guitar with Fender Play. I appreciate that you mentioned that Fender Play was able to offer you a free month’s trial to learn more about the product. I’ve taken a few guitar lessons over the years and they always ended up costing a lot of money, so this is a great solution for people who want to learn the instrument, but just don’t want to pay a lot to do so.
this is very informative site. thanks