I was raised in a Christian home, went to church every Sunday, and spent 6 of 13 school-years in Christian schools. So, when I attended Bible college it was with the expectation that I already had a strong foundation in God’s Word, and was simply there to go deeper – to add icing on the cake.
Instead I discovered that when it came to God and the Bible, I knew very little. Oh, I knew David Killed Goliath, Moses parted the sea and Daniel was thrown in a lion’s den, but here is what I didn’t know:
I didn’t know Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi were actually books of the Bible! Most of the others books I had at least heard of, but still, I couldn’t tell you where they were located or what they contained. What is the evidence for Christ’s resurrection, for creation, for the reliability of the Bible? I couldn’t have told you! There were 12 Apostles – I could only name 4 and of the 4 I knew, I could tell you little other than their names. When it came to memory verses, I assumed that I was good knowing 2 or 3, until I learned that Hebrew children could recite the entire Torah from memory. I also discovered major stories and people in both the Old and New Testament that I had never even heard of!
Having spent 13 years of my early life devoted to “getting an education,” I would say that this represented the epitome miseducation. If there is one thing in this world worth studying, it is GOD’S WORD! It is the only subject with eternal consequences!
Yet just mentioning Jesus’ name is forbidden in government schools. How can our kids digest the Word, when it isn’t an option on the menu? And Christian schools, even homeschools, aren’t a whole lot better. We serve our children a hearty feast of literature, history, science, spelling, grammar, foreign language, health and fitness, math and social studies. Then when our children have gorged themselves, when they sit full and bloated, we hand them God’s Word in the form of a mint to freshen their breath. Jesus is the bread of life – are your children malnourished?
Use our Bible eBook Set and start teaching the Bible at home, today!
I feel like we sometimes share this form of breath freshener Bible ed with our kids this way because we do it ourselves, many times. I know that I’m guilty of spending many days distracted with household affairs and schedules, remembering God only at mealtimes and for a quick devo time before bed. Because parents sometimes forget to make God part of their entire days, to really focus on seeking Him first, I guess we also teach our kids that same lifestyle of mint Bible learning. Sad, but true. Let’s hope this post wakes up other parents to see it too. Thanks for sharing!
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I had a similar upbringing. I knew lots of stories, but was never taught doctrine. I think it’s awesome that you’ve made these books to help parents teach little children great truths!