“Geography is the canvas of history and the map of the future!” ~ Blue Manor Education
I am big on geography. I use my Blue Manor’s Geography Curriculum and combine it with an exciting geography game called, “Where in the World is…?” The game can take many forms, but it goes something like this:
That is the prompt I tell my daughters before playing this game. They can’t wait to find all the countries! I use sprinkles because they are small enough to put on tiny countries and won’t ruin my children’s appetite. Plus, they offer an instant reward. We also use small toys like the Safari LTD Dinosaur Toob (affiliate link).
To play, tell your children the names of the countries you would like them to learn and show them where they are on the map. Then, place a small object on those countries. Call out the name of a country and have your children pick up the object on that country. Start with 3-5 countries in the first session. When they can successfully identify those, add more. And don’t forget to review! You can even add bodies of water, mountains, and important global features like the equator.
This game is great for review, but like I said, I use my Blue Manor Geography eBooks to teach from. This set includes; Basic Weather and Terrain, Advanced Terrain Features, USA Geography, World Geography, and 7 Printable Maps.
Below is a video of my daughters, 2 and 4, locating countries that they have learned. My eldest daughter can locate more than I could as a senior in high school!
Follow me on Pinterest for more Geography for kids!
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Linking up Here!
Stephanie Shipley says
Yes I teach my son geography. I try to make it fun and interesting by finding recipes, music, games, or other fun things that originated from the particular country or region.
Rachel Rusticus says
Never Eat Soggy Waffles!
Janine LaTulippe says
I remember that one, Awesome!
kenwoodplc says
I also teach for my son. I teach to him about finding countries as a game. He does this as interesting.
Sandy VanHoey says
We don’t have any real tips but my grandson who will be 6 in a couple years is into both science and geography. We try to buy him eduacational toys and books and things like that for him to learn. He also loves dvd’s to learn all he can
Rachel says
We use a board game that helps learn where the states are. we also go through states using trail guide to us geography.
Lucy T says
This look likes a fun way to teach geography. We do a little geography but we really need to start doing more.
Teresa Grodi says
Wow! Your two-year-old is about my son’s age! I’d love to start this method teaching him the countries! Thank you
Enchanted Schoolroom says
We love to do continent boxes, swaps, hands on crafts, food from different countries and regions, along with the more traditional methods like books, toys and puzzles.
ericaleigh76 says
Looks like an amazing set! Currently teaching my 4 year where we are in the world.
Marti B. says
We start with the local– home, neighborhood, city, and then build out to the national, and then the world. Memorizing the 7 seas and 7 continents is a challenge for me and them!
tatertot374 says
We like to play games with paper plates. I write the name of the certain countries or states and they get to hop to them. Its a fun way to teach them.
Janine LaTulippe says
Great idea!
selection of Mens Dress Shirts says
I sure that girl has a wonderful future. She is doing that map reading as clever. I impressed about. I also try to teach like this for my 5 years son.
Ashley says
This is awesome Janine! I am terrible with geography, so I could use all the help I can get!
Anonymous says
What fun and learning at the same time…..Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!
Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick
Jessica Bialowas says
Right now my kids know all of the continents and oceans. We are getting ready to move onto countries and seas. This would be perfect!
Janine LaTulippe says
That is awesome! Way to go mama.
Katherine Donovan says
My grandson is a little too young to start geography. I am hoping to introduce this to him within the next year:)
Jenn Aikens says
My lo is only 8 months so I have not taught her yet but I certainly plan on doing it!
Esther says
wow, you are doing well, little girls!
Janine LaTulippe says
Thank you Esther!
Lynn Prucha says
This looks awesome!! My boys would love this! Thanks for the opportunity!
Tiffany T says
Just starting with my Pre-K daughter. Starting with town and state, we also learn about states where our family lives. She is also interested in other countries that she has heard of (China, England) we locate them on a map and then discuss the culture as well.
Janine LaTulippe says
That is great Tiffany! Kids just love learning about what adults know. When my girls hear someone talking about a country or state that they know, they just light up!
Jessica A. says
I teach my son geography by using a globe, books, and puzzle maps. I love the idea you shared and I going to try it out with him thanks for sharing!
Unknown says
Whenever we read or hear about a foreign location, my daughter runs to her shower curtain world map and tries to find the place. I give her hints using other countries that she has studied. She gets so excited not only about finding the new location, but in remembering other locations. We also do online searches to learn about the new location.
Janine LaTulippe says
Sounds like you are doing a great job!
Kim says
We use a globe to discuss geography and we try to also learn a few facts about the culture along with the geography.
Rebekah K says
We have had informal geography up until now. We will be doing a year of it next year. I have been having fun putting together all the info. It would be neat to win such helpful stuff!
Samantha says
We do teach it but as far as helpful tips, I don’t have any right now as we are still figuring it out in our house.
lisa says
reading and making fun games about geography 🙂 but that’s all we are doing at the moment
Trisha says
We have started with both my 5 and 2 year olds. I was amazed at how much they enjoyed it!
Roshni AaMom says
That’s a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
KC Coake says
Looks like a great way to learn geography and countries! Thanks so much for linking up at the Real Family Fun link party! Hope to see you next week.
Becky says
Awesome! We have a US map puzzle and my daughter’s first state she learned was Oklahoma at barely 2.5 yrs. Now, I fear she’s a bit rusty as she’s moved on to other games….I’d be so happy to win this!! Thanks for the opportunity!
MaxxRose says
I take every opportunity to teach my kids geography. Whenever we hear about a place–someone moved, or something on the news– we take out our globe and find where it is so they have some idea compared to Minnesota.
LeCricia Shelton says
Would love to incorporate this into our homeschool!
Kristen @ Celebrate Every Day With Me says
My son loves geography right now! Would love to try this.
Mackenzie says
Great ideas Janine!
savannansmom says
i”m looking for geography for next year! this would be great, no tips from me, but I want to add this to our ciriculum
Heather Manu says
I haven’t yet, but these are some great ideas I may try now.
Amanda Hopkins says
We are just starting with homeschool and I plan to add some fun geography this upcoming year.
SookMei Lai says
We have not started on geography, only looking at the globe and seeing that there are lots of blue (seas) and the other colours show countries; and that the globe spins and tilts.
Jennifer says
In addition to Monday Kid Corner Weekly Linky Party, this week’s theme is MUD. Brush off those archives and link them up at thejennyevolution.com. See you there! Jennifer
Anna - the Measured Mom says
So easy and so effective! Love this idea! I’m sharing it today on my Facebook page for the KBN social shout out:
Anna – the Measured Mom recently posted…Homemade Father’s Day gift from kids: A book about Dad (with free printable)
Mark says
Love the idea. I bought my 6 year old a small globe and we find a new country every night before he goes to bed. I think we are through about 70 countries now and it really helps him remember the names. Really like this post and I will share the link on my kids ideas website, http://www.excitedkids.com
Keri says
What a fun way to teach Geography! I think games make it so much easier and more fun for kids to learn. That is why we use games for most subjects; we even have some Free Geography games we already use through LGFK, but this will be a great addition to what we already use. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Keri recently posted…Word Parts
tania says
I was wondering where did you get the world map/ nuestro mundo?
Janine says
Walmart 🙂
drop n merge says
My both kids love to open Google maps on Mobile or PC and start asking me about each country, which country has forests, mountains, rivers, deserts, ice, … etc. I’m happy to help them.
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