Fall Fun: Using multiple resources for Fall lessons
Being from Mississippi, I have always loved the Fall! Fall is a time when we are finally rescued from the oppressive heat and able to spend some more time outdoors. Besides the better weather, I also love the food, smells, and all the activities associated with the season. Since I love the season, I always try to work it into our lessons as much as I can.

One way that I’ve done this is through using books and activities. We’ve already had an S is for Squirrel fall themed day and Fall is almost a month away! The S is for Squirrel day is a great example of how I think Fall can help make lesson time fun. By incorporating “work” (in this case letter recognition and other sheets) with fun (outdoor educational games), my daughter was not nearly as likely to complain about having to do her “school”. Her attention span was lengthened and I didn’t end the day with a headache.
Adding Books to the Fall Fun
One of the books that I highly recommend is Autumn Song. Autumn Song is great because it comes with its own unit practically built in to the book itself. The author included links to youtube videos with musics, activities, and games. It is a great example of incorporating fun into lesson time. The other book that I have been using is actually one that I wrote myself, A is for Autumn: An ABC Fall Fact Book. I created it to use with my daughter. It allows us to work on letter recognition, learn fall facts, and work on our counting skills (each page has leaves to count for the child to figure out the page number). The book is a starting place to other fall units (V is for Veteran’s Day, C is for Colors – learn why the leaves change color, etc).

By incorporating music, activities, and books into lessons, Fall can come alive for your student. This will hopefully help keep them engaged as the season changes. Don’t be afraid to incorporate outdoor time either! Science can be taught looking at the tree leaves, investigated the local wildlife, and more!
What are your favorite fall activities? Post your ideas in the comments.

Carrie has inspired Joy to also write children’s books. The first will be out soon. Carrie Can’t Choose a Costume is the first of the Choosy Carrie books.
Joy blogs at Finding Joy Publishing, http://www.findingjoy19.com
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