My daughter is in the kitchen a lot. I thought I would teach her how to boil an egg so she could do it by herself sometime. While the water boiled and her pretty face looked at the steam rising up, I shuttered at the thought of her getting burned and knew there had to be a safer way.
The way I was showing her wasn’t safe for her to do alone, especially in the morning when she is still in a zombie-like state. So, I came up with a way for her to make a hard boiled eggs that limits the risk of serious injury.
The Best Way to Boil an Egg
This isn’t just the best way because it is safer. The eggs come out easy to peel and that is best when the kids are cooking!
First, have your child place the eggs in a pot on the stove. Fill the pot with water an inch or two above the eggs and turn the stove on to high. You could also try putting in a teaspoon of baking soda which is supposed to help them peel even easier. Wait until the water comes to a boil, cook 1 minute, and turn off the heat. Cover and let the eggs cook for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, have your children make some toast to go with your perfectly boiled eggs.
Remove them from the heat and simply let the eggs sit until they are cool enough to handle, or put some ice into the pot. If you want to use the eggs for later, I suggest putting the whole pot, including the water, in the refrigerator. That way the water keeps the lining that is under the shell moist so it’s easy to remove.
Peel and enjoy!
But wait, your kids don’t like hard boiled eggs? They might after you let them cook them all by themselves. Or, you can try telling them that they are special eggs like we did with our children. Pretending they are eating dinosaur eggs is a lot more interesting. Adding a little butter and salt helps too.
Do you have an easier way for kids to boil an egg? Please leave a comment!
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Ellen Landreth says
I just saw on fb this morning that eggs can be baked in the oven in a muffin tin at 350 for 25 minutes and they have a better taste and are easier to peel. I’m a little fearful to try it but this person said she did this a couple times a week. I want someone else to try it and tell me if it really works.
Tulip says
That sounds easy, but probably not as safe for kids to make.
JDaniel4's Mom says
I am still trying to master things. I am going to try following your directions.
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Theres Just One Mommy says
Definitely going to have to try this method! Right now I let them boil 5 minutes and then let them stand a few minutes with the lid on.
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