It really is the toughest job on Earth while at the same time rewarding and in great demand. Mothers, you are appreciated more than you know! Don't discount the influence you have on your children and society. Last year at church, I was given a little lunch sack with goodies to share with my ... View Post
Mother’s Day Activities for Kids and Mom’s Library #43
I like to do things with my children for Mother's Day. So, today I am featuring some Mother's Day Activities you can do with your kids; games, crafts, DIY gifts, and more! Also, I'm a kid at heart and really just want to try some of these out! This post contains a giveaway, for more information ... View Post
Trading in Motherhood
My dear sweet Audrey. I cried when I learned I was pregnant with you. I just wasn't ready. I wanted to be successful first. I wanted a "Degree." Me, me, me, it was all about me. How foolish was I to define my success by the titles I didn't hold. When my second child came along I was ... View Post
Mom Gets the F – for Mother’s Day
Growing up, I was expected to get A's in school. Sometimes I did, and sometimes I did not. Getting a B was very bad. It meant I was goofing off and not working hard enough. C's were even worse and D's bordered on disrespect. And F's – well, you can imagine... While my grades varied ... View Post