We see our own human nature so truthfully portrayed as we watch our young children. Self control, gentleness, sharing, and kindness are often exercised only when they desire to. Unfortunately, it's often the case with adults too, including myself. It is so much easier to reach out, to share, ... View Post
Kid Science: Simple Ways to Teach Matter
My kids love hands on science experiments and I love simple ways to demonstrate our lessons. Although the states of matter are concepts that you can build on as your kids get older, it is one of the easiest things to teach while only using the most basic items in your own house. Grab a couple of ... View Post
10 Tips to Keep Kids Learning All Day!
One of my goals for this year was to make learning last all day long. School “hours” are not as important as giving my children the mindset that learning is an experience; one that happens the moment their little feet hit the ground running till the time their heads hit the pillow at night. I ... View Post
Homeschooling with Perspective
We've all felt it. The creeping anxiety as you feel you are already a bit behind with your lessons and your child wakes up with the flu. More sick days? Or you get an unexpected twist in your schedule that throws off the whole day or even week. More boxes not checked off? Sometimes you feel that ... View Post