Next in the Ask a Homeschooler series is conservative commentator Elisa Steele! Hear Steele’s homeschool experiences and journey.
Ask a Homeschooler – Elisa Steele
Our next feature in the Ask a Homeschool series is an amazing woman who is the host of the podcast show Deconstructing The Culture and conservative commentator behind Conservative Babes with over 40,000 followers on Instagram!
Elisa Stelle was a homeschooled sibling of 30, coming from a polygamist family before her mother escaped. She has a background in politics as the director of the Utah Eagle Forum Intern Program on Capitol Hill and her life mission and motto is: Heal The Family, Heal The World.
She is a role model for young ladies and is answering all your questions about homeschooling a young women in our turbulent culture! From independent studies to opportunities she had because of homeschool, listen to her share her story!
You can find more about Elisa on her website, Conservative Babes and her Instagram page with over 40,000 followers!
Smit Garacia says
So when you count how many beats are in one minute of a song played at a specific tempo, you can quickly determine the Beats Per Minute or BPM counter. And if you’re pressed for time, count the beats in 15 seconds of music, and then multiply that number by 4.
Richard Robbins says
Keep up the fight girls.
There are still so many battles that have to be fought to maintain the right to raise our kids the way we want them to be raised.
It’s good to know there are other committed conservatives and Christian values-driven parents working alongside us.
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