With all that’s been going on in recent times, perhaps you find yourself questioning if you should homeschool, and rightfully so. Beyond not wanting to send your children into a system filled with new mandates such as wearing masks all day, routine temperature checks, and having to constantly be six feet away from their peers, there are other reasons why you should consider educating your children at home.
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post!
4 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool
Homeschooling provides less stress on your children.
Before today’s new mandates, there were others put into place years ago that put unneeded stress on teachers and students. With the new common core standards came rigorous testing and in return began shifting learning to a systematic learn-for-the-test kind of education.
Although there are states that require annual teaching and showing proof of homeschooling, more states than not have pretty relaxed homeschooling laws. This means you can almost instantly take the stress off your children by simply removing them from the classroom.
You have control over what your children learn.
One of the biggest perks in homeschooling is having control over what your children are taught. There are a wide range of curriculum resources available and you can use just about anything you can imagine as a learning tool. Most parents find that having this kind of flexibility decreases the need to learn specific concepts by a particular age. Instead, they are able to cater their child’s education… which points to the next reason.
Homeschooling gives you the opportunity to cater your child’s education.
If there’s one area that public and private schools are missing the mark in, it’s this one. The education system today wants all students to learn the same way. It’s evident in what is taught and how it’s taught. Homeschooling, on the other hand, gives you the opportunity to map out an educational plan for each of your unique children.
Any veteran homeschooling mom of multiple children will tell you that each of their children are different and have their own unique ways of learning. One child may thrive from using textbooks while another one thrives best with hands-on activities. Educating your children at home allows you to accommodate those needs.
Homeschooling fosters family and community relationships.
When a family is able to spend more time together, they grow closer together and make memories that will be talked about for years to come. Homeschooling families are also able to get out and about more whether it’s through errand running or by taking field trips. Life becomes naturally lived together which also fosters many other life skills.
How to Start Homeschooling
If you’ve read this far and you’re thinking, “Yeah, I totally want to homeschool – but how do I get started?”, you’ll find peace in knowing that getting started is as easy as one, two, three!
First, find out your state’s homeschooling laws and what types of documentation are necessary for you to complete in turn in. Some states require registration while others may require enrollment under an umbrella school. Download any documentation and make note of any important people to contact.
Second, take time to understand how your children learn. Figure out their learning styles and in what ways they thrive best. This will come in handy when it’s time to research and purchase (or find free) curriculum resources. There are online tests you can take and some curriculum companies even allow you to try samples of their curriculum before you buy.
Lastly, establish a plan. Choose how you want to homeschool – the traditional nine straight months with holiday and summer breaks, year-round, or something completely different. You’ll also want to get an idea of what a typical homeschool day will look like for your family. This is where a good homeschool planner will come in handy.
Contrary to popular belief, homeschooling has more pros than cons. No, it’s not always easy but it is always worth it. With the mass amount of resources and support groups available today, you never have to worry about doing it alone. If you’ve been thinking about homeschooling, I’d say take the leap of faith. You can do it!
Christianbook.com Homeschool Giveaway!
Another homeschool year is right around the corner? Are you ready?
Maybe you’ve already started your school year, or perhaps you homeschool year-round. Maybe you’re still busy preparing and finalizing curriculum choices for the upcoming school year. Whatever your situation might be, what homeschool mom couldn’t use a little extra money for homeschool curriculum or resources?
Many homeschool families are on tight budgets, so winning a gift card to a major online homeschool retailer would surely help you check some things off of your curriculum wish list. I’m teaming up with some of my homeschool blogging friends to bring you a HUGE gift card giveaway to Christianbook.com. We will be blessing THREE homeschool families with $200 to spend at Christianbook.com for you to use on curriculum, books, games, puzzles, or whatever educational supplies you might need!
Whether you’re living on one income or are buying curriculum for multiple kids, we know that homeschooling can put financial strain and stress on a family, so our hope is that we can bless a few homeschool families (although we wish we could bless many more) so they can decrease that burden and buy the curriculum and supplies they need.
To enter for your chance to win, simply use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Now I know this is quite a few entries, but each of these bloggers has generously chipped in their own money to make this giveaway possible, so I hope you will take the time to do all of the entries. And hey, the more entries you do, the better your odds are of winning!
Giveaway ends August 13, 2021 at 11:59pm ET. Must be at least 18 years of age. Must be a resident of U.S. or Canada to enter. Selected winners will have 48 hours to respond to email notification to claim their prizes or another winner will be drawn. By entering this giveaway, you agree to be added to the email lists of the participating bloggers (see the Terms & Conditions on the Rafflecopter form for the complete list).
Yeah, something I am also recently reading about, but I have concerned about how do we replaced the peeps communication skills and communication skills they adapt by just being in the classroom… how can one recreate those sets of the environment…
Hi Janine!
Its really an informative and interesting piece of article for all readers. Especially for those who parents and children who are suffering from the issue to face these homeschooling. Thanks for sharing this article with all of us
Its really an informative
Despite homeschooling and calmness among relatives you need to understand that communication is one of the first things people need to have. To be honest, I’m a person who doesn’t speak a lot but if your kids don’t have friends or 1 friend at least, and spend their time on their own they can be confused or puzzled by thinking on how to react to anything around them or may have unpleasurable talk as a result. But I don’t have the right to judge someone. It’s the choice of yours or your kids. Who knows could it be even better for them or depends on the personality inside? To be honest, I’m also closed and quiet person from the childhood.
since absent cons:
1) this isn’t somthing all parents can do as they work during school hours
2) it doesn’t give them as good of an opertunity to make friends and develop social skills to deal with peers
3) the’re not as likely to be exposed to people with different beliefs and opinions and thus be less tolarent or even irrationally afriad of such people
I know there are ways of mitigating 2 and 3 but people ought to be aware of them.
Agree with the overall pointers mentioned in the blogpost.
Loved how you have crafted the overall content. Thanks!!!
Shelar Academy recently posted…CAT 2020: Everything You Need To Know
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing this. Loved how you have curated the overall post.
Shelar Academy recently posted…CAT 2020: Everything You Need To Know