It really is the toughest job on Earth while at the same time rewarding and in great demand. Mothers, you are appreciated more than you know! Don’t discount the influence you have on your children and society.
Last year at church, I was given a little lunch sack with goodies to share with my children. A little card read…
We took our snack to the park and had a mini-picnic. It is a wonderful memory.
I know some moms want time to themselves on Mother’s Day, but I like to spend time being silly and having fun with my kids. So often I’m caught up with my to-do list that I forget to let loose with them.
The snack that I received was such a nice gesture and reminder of what being a Mother is all about, I wanted to keep the tradition going. So I made a little snack bags for each of the kids in my preschool class at church to give to their Moms for Mother’s Day this year.
I’d love to share this free printable Mother’s Day tag I made, so you can make them too and spread the joy!
I put Popcorn, Oreos, a couple of mints, and napkins in my snack bags and stapled them shut with the cute little tag for decoration and a place for the kid’s to write their name. I’ll let the kids decorate the rest of the bag with stickers and markers to add a personal touch. You could also tie some ribbon on to turn them into Mother’s Day party favors.
Aren’t they cute? I just might make one for myself. I know my kids would appreciate it 🙂
Moms need to stick together and start encouraging one another no matter our differences. So how about it? Will you make another mom’s day?
What kind of Mother’s Day traditions does your family have? I would love to heard how you celebrate!
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Jodi says
Great printable, Janine. Now if we can only get dads to look at our site, right? I’ll be featuring you next week at Meaningful Mama! Pinning now!
Jodi recently posted…Spring Flower Cupcake
Monica says
Pinned. Featured in a round up of FREE Gifts for Mother’s Day – thanks for sharing! Monica
Charlene says
Thank you for sharing, I want to pass it on w/ my Sunday School children!