Start looking at your recycling bin in a whole new way! Use it for fun and productive kids activities. Today, I’m featuring 10 easy projects you can do with your kids using recycled materials.
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This week’s featured posts…
Cardboard Building Boards
I’ve seen building toys like this on Amazon! Let your kids paint them and you have a 2 for 1!
Literacy Game with Bottle Caps
Your children will love learning their letters! I love it because it is FREE and there are so many ways to play.
Milk Jug Herbs
Instead of flowers grow an herb garden with your kids and cook something with them! These are the perfect size to grow herbs in the kitchen.
Life-size Cereal Box Maze
How fun is this?! I can see my kids building a huge tower to knock down.
Pallet Garden
The perfect size garden for small spaces. I found some pallets on Craigslist for .50 so I am excited to give this a try.
Egg Carton Printing
Use your recyclables for painting! They become stamps, stencils and more!
Dog Playhouse from a Box
Let your kids decorate their own playhouse for their growing collection of stuffed animals.
Yogurt Container Seed Starters
Ever Never Again had an Earth Day Party for Kids and used Yogurt Containers for small planters the kids could take home. Go and check out her other great Earth Day Activity ideas.
I didn’t think you could do it, but you CAN sprout the seeds from your apple that you got at the grocery store.
Picture Frames from Snack Boxes
Use fabric and cardboard to make these awesome frames with your kids.
For more frugal kids Activities,
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My daughter thinks the recycling bin is part of her art station these days…and I have to say I’m a little proud. Thanks for sharing all of these clever recycled crafts!
Thanks for featuring my Palette Garden. I have pinned & tweeted this post. I have grabbed your button for both my sidebar and that actual post. This weekend we made a worm composter. Excited to get it going!
Thanks Janine! Lots of fun ideas here this week!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Thank you for hosting each week Janine!
Thank you for hosting Janine! The party features are amazing! I love them! Also, if you ever want, come link up at Party In Polka Dots!
Thanks again!
Thank you so very much for hosting this hop! I grabbed the button for the Mom’s Lib for my sidebar….Great idea!
Have a nice day!
What a great collection of activities! I want to mention, though, that an apple tree grown from seed will not produce the same kind of apple the seed came from–it will grow a plant, and if you take care of it for years and years it will eventually be a tree, and if it’s pollinated it will produce apples, but they will not be the same kind of apples. Still, it’s fun to grow a plant from a seed! I grew an orange tree this way when I was in college, and 10 years later I had a beautiful plant that was as tall as me–but then it got infested with scale insects and died without ever making oranges. It gave me years of beauty and oxygen, though.
That is sad 🙁 I wonder if heirloom produce is different? Thanks for all of the information!
No, it is not because of anything humans have done to apple trees; it is because of how sexual reproduction works. It’s just like a baby grown from your egg will not be exactly like you. An apple seed’s mother is the tree it came from, but it also has a father, so its apples have traits of both parents.
To get apples just like the ones on the mother tree, you have to clone the mother tree by grafting a branch onto a seedling tree. It’s amazing to me that people figured this out hundreds of years ago–it’s pretty weird.
That is really weird! You know I have a pear tree with 5 different kinds of pears and I didn’t know how in the world that could be. It is pretty amazing! Thanks for informing me 🙂
I love using found objects in the house. Thanks for linking up to Friday Flash Blog. Happy weekend!